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Exploration of a mod pq variant of Serre's conjecture

Consider a continuous odd Galois representation

\rho: G_{\mathbf{Q}}\rightarrow \mbox{\rm GL}_2(\mathbf{Z}/...
...{Z}/p\mathbf{Z})\times\mbox{\rm GL}_2(\mathbf{Z}/q\mathbf{Z})
\end{displaymath} (1)

that is irreducible when reduced modulo p and modulo q. We say that $\rho $ is modular if there exists a newform f such that $\rho\sim \rho_{f,\lambda_p}\times\rho_{f,\lambda_q}$, with $\lambda_p$ and $\lambda_q$ primes lying over p and q, respectively. Is every mod pq representation modular? When $\rho $ is modular, what is the minimal level $N(\rho)$ and weight $k(\rho)$ of a newform f giving rise to $\rho $? In this section we report on a first investigation, conducted jointly with B. Mazur, into this question.


William A. Stein