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In Section 1.1 we introduce visible cohomology classes, then in Section 1.2 we discuss visible elements of Shafarevich-Tate groups. In Section 1.3, we use restriction of scalars to deduce that every cohomology class is visible somewhere.

For a field $ K$ and a smooth commutative $ K$-group scheme $ G$, we write $ H^i(K,G)$ to denote the group cohomology $ H^i(\Gal(K_s/K),G(K_s))$ where $ K_s$ is a fixed separable closure of $ K$; equivalently, $ H^i(K,G)$ denotes the $ i$th étale cohomology of $ G$ viewed as an étale sheaf on $ \Spec(K)_{\mbox{\small\rm\'et}}$.


William A Stein 2002-02-27