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Visible Elements of $ H^1(K,A)$

In this section, we produce a map $ B(K)/n B(K)\rightarrow \Vis_J(H^1(K,A))$ with bounded kernel.

Lemma 3.7   Let $ A$ and $ B$ be abelian subvarieties of an abelian variety $ J$ over a number field $ K$ such that $ A\cap B$ is finite. Suppose $ n$ is a natural number such that

$\displaystyle \gcd\left(n,\,\,\char93 (J/B)(K)_{\tor}\cdot\char93 B(K)_{\tor}\right) = 1$

and $ B[n] \subset A$ as subgroup schemes of $ J$. Then there is a natural map

$\displaystyle \varphi :B(K)/nB(K)\rightarrow \Vis_J(H^1(K,A))$

such that $ \ker(\varphi )\subset J(K)/(B(K)+A(K))$. If $ A(K)$ has rank 0, then $ \ker(\varphi )=0$ (more generally, $ \ker(\varphi )$ has order at most $ n^r$ where $ r$ is the rank of $ A(K)$).

Proof. First we produce a map $ \varphi :B(K)/n B(K) \rightarrow \Vis(H^1(K,A))$ by using that $ B[n] \subset A$ hence a certain map factors through multiplication by $ n$. Then we use the snake lemma and our hypothesis that $ n$ does not divide the orders of certain torsion groups to bound the dimension of the kernel of $ \varphi $.

The quotient $ J/A$ is an abelian variety $ C$ over $ K$. The long exact sequence of Galois cohomology associated to the short exact sequence

$\displaystyle 0 \rightarrow A \rightarrow J \rightarrow C \rightarrow 0$


$\displaystyle 0\rightarrow A(K) \rightarrow J(K) \rightarrow C(K) \xrightarrow{\,\delta\,} H^1(K,A) \rightarrow \cdots.$ (3.1)

Let $ \psi$ be map $ B\rightarrow C$ obtained by composing the inclusion $ B\hookrightarrow J$ with the quotient map $ J\rightarrow C$. Since $ B[n] \subset A$, we see that $ \psi$ factors through multiplication by $ n$, so the following diagram commutes:

$\displaystyle \xymatrix{
& B\ar[d]\ar[dr]^{\psi} \ar[r]^{n}& B\ar[d]\\

Using that $ B[n](K)=\{0\}$, we obtain the following commutative diagram, all of whose rows and columns are exact:

$\displaystyle \xymatrix{ & K_0\ar[d] & K_1\ar[d]& K_2\ar[d]\\ 0 \ar[r] & B(K) \...
...r[r] & J(K)/A(K)\ar[r]\ar[d] & C(K) \ar[r] & \delta(C(K)) \ar[r] & 0\\ & K_3, }$ (3.2)

where $ K_0$, $ K_1$ and $ K_2$ are the indicated kernels and $ K_3$ is the indicated cokernel. Exactness of the top row expresses the fact that $ B[n](K)=\{0\}$, and the bottom exact row arises from the exact sequence (3.1) above. The first vertical map $ B(K)\rightarrow J(K)/A(K)$ is induced by the inclusion $ B(K)\hookrightarrow J(K)$ composed with the quotient map $ J(K)\rightarrow J(K)/A(K)$. The second vertical map $ B(K)\rightarrow C(K)$ exists because the composition $ B\hookrightarrow J\rightarrow C$ has kernel $ B\cap A$, which contains $ B[n]$, by assumption. The third vertical map exists because $ \pi$ contains $ nB(K)$ in its kernel, so that $ \pi$ factors through $ B(K)/nB(K)$.

The sequence (1.1) on page [*] implies that the image of $ \varphi $ is contained in $ \Vis_J(H^1(K,A))$. The snake lemma gives an exact sequence

$\displaystyle K_0\rightarrow K_1 \rightarrow K_2 \rightarrow K_3.$

Because $ B\rightarrow C$ has finite kernel, $ K_1\subset B(K)_{\tor}$. Since $ B[n](K)=\left\{0\right\}$ and $ K_2$ is an $ n$-torsion group, the map $ K_1\rightarrow K_2$ is the 0 map. Thus $ K_2=\ker(\varphi )$ is isomorphic to a subgroup of $ K_3=J(K)/(A(K)+B(K))$, as claimed.

Any torsion in the quotient $ J(K)/B(K)$ is of order coprime to $ n$ because $ J(K)/B(K)$ is a subgroup of $ (J/B)(K)$, and $ \gcd(n,\char93 (J/B)(K)_{\tor})=1$, by assumption. Thus if $ A(K)$ is a torsion group, $ K_3 = (J(K)/B(K))/A(K)$ has no nontrivial torsion of order dividing $ n$, so when $ A(K)$ has rank zero, $ \ker(\varphi )=0$.

Consider the map $ \psi: A(K) \rightarrow J(K)/B(K)$. To show that $ \ker(\phi)$ has order at most $ n^r$, where $ r$ is the rank of $ A(K)$, it suffices to show that $ \coker(\psi)[n]$ has order at most $ n^r$. To prove the latter statement, by the structure theorem for finite abelian groups, it suffices to prove it for the case when $ n$ is a power of a prime. Moreover, we may assume that $ A(K)$ and $ J(K)/B(K)$ have no prime-to-$ n$ torsion. Then $ J(K)/B(K)$ is in fact torsion-free, and so we may also assume $ A(K)$ is torsion-free. With these assumptions, the statement we want to prove follows easily by elementary group-theoretic arguments (in particular, by considering of the Smith normal form of the matrix representing $ \psi$). $ \qedsymbol$

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William A Stein 2002-02-27