Next we prove that
is an Artinian module over the (local)
, by [AM69, Prop. 6.8],
has a composition series:
where by definition each quotient
so by simplicity
, where
means the
class of
in the localization (same as
on page 36 of
[AM69]). Since
, the element
acts as a unit on
, hence
is nonzero and also still
annihilated by
(by commutativity).
To say that
is annihilated by
means that for all
there exists
such that
. Since
is finitely generated, we can write
and for each
we get
corresponding elements
and a product
. Also
is a prime ideal and each
. Let
. Then for all
we have
. Also
acts as a unit
. Thus
, and is nonzero, which completes the
proof of the lemma.
is exact. Thus
It follows from [Se79, Ch. VIII, §4] that displaymathH^1(G,M) &cong#cong;M[N]/DM (as functors in $M$), where tex2html_wrap_inline$M[N]$ is the kernel of the map tex2html_wrap_inline$M N M$, and tex2html_wrap_inline$N = &sum#sum;_g &isin#in;Gg$. Since tex2html_wrap_inline$M_G M/DM$, we have an tex2html_wrap_inline$R$-module inclusion tex2html_wrap_inline$H^1(G,M) &rarrhk#hookrightarrow;M_G$. We showed above that tex2html_wrap_inline$M_G[p]=0$, so the lemma follows.
theorem_type[remark][theorem][][remark][][] If tex2html_wrap_inline$p$ were replaced by a prime number tex2html_wrap_inline$p&isin#in;Z$ then the result would be immediate since using Herbrand quotients one shows that tex2html_wrap_inline$#H^0(G,M) = #H^1(G,M)$ (see [Se79, Prop. VIII.4.8]). It is unclear to the authors if the result is true in general, i.e., if tex2html_wrap_inline$G$ is replaced by an arbitrary group.
theorem_type[lemma][theorem][][plain][][] [Grothendieck]Let tex2html_wrap_inline$A$ be an abelian variety over the fraction field tex2html_wrap_inline$K$ of a strictly Henselian discrete valuation ring tex2html_wrap_inline$R$ (e.g. the maximal unramified extension of local field). Let tex2html_wrap_inline$n$ be an integer coprime to the residue characteristic of tex2html_wrap_inline$K$. Let tex2html_wrap_inline$x &isin#in;A(K)$ be a point whose reduction lands in the identity component of the closed fiber of the Néron model of tex2html_wrap_inline$A$. Then tex2html_wrap_inline$x &isin#in;nA(K)$.
theorem_type[proposition][theorem][][plain][][] Let tex2html_wrap_inline$A$ be an abelian variety over the fraction field tex2html_wrap_inline$K$ of a strictly Henselian discrete valuation ring tex2html_wrap_inline$R$. Let tex2html_wrap_inline$A$ be the Néron model of tex2html_wrap_inline$A$ and let tex2html_wrap_inline$A^0$ be the connected component of the identity element of tex2html_wrap_inline$A$. Then the group tex2html_wrap_inline$A^0(R)$ of tex2html_wrap_inline$R$-points on tex2html_wrap_inline$A^0$ is tex2html_wrap_inline$n$-divisible for every tex2html_wrap_inline$n$ that is relatively prime to the characteristic.
theorem_type[remark][theorem][][remark][][] Suppose that tex2html_wrap_inline$P &isin#in;A(K)$ is a point whose reduction lies in the identity component of the special fiber of the Néron model of tex2html_wrap_inline$A$. Since tex2html_wrap_inline$A(K) &sime#simeq;A(R)$ because of the Néron mapping property, the proposition implies that tex2html_wrap_inline$P$ is tex2html_wrap_inline$n$-divisible in tex2html_wrap_inline$A(K)$. Furthermore, tex2html_wrap_inline$P = nP'$ for a point tex2html_wrap_inline$P' &isin#in;A(K)$ whose reduction also lies in the identity component of the special fiber of tex2html_wrap_inline$A$ (although we will not need this last property).
William Stein 2006-06-21