Next we prove that implies . Since is an Artinian module over the (local) ring , by [AM69, Prop. 6.8], has a composition series:
where by definition each quotient is a simple -module. In particular, is a simple -module. Suppose is nonzero, and let . Then
so by simplicity is simple. Thus , otherwise would have as a proper submodule. Thus is nonzero.
Write with and , where means the class of in the localization (same as on page 36 of [AM69]). Since , the element acts as a unit on , hence is nonzero and also still annihilated by (by commutativity).
To say that is annihilated by means that for all there exists such that in . Since is finitely generated, we can write and for each we get corresponding elements and a product . Also since is a prime ideal and each . Let . Then for all we have . Also since acts as a unit on . Thus , and is nonzero, which completes the proof of the lemma.
is exact. Thus if and only if at least one of or is nonzero. Again by Lemma 4.2.1, at least one of or is nonzero if and only if at least one of or is nonzero. The latter is the case if and only if .
It follows from [Se79, Ch. VIII, §4] that displaymathH^1(G,M) &cong#cong;M[N]/DM (as functors in $M$), where tex2html_wrap_inline$M[N]$ is the kernel of the map tex2html_wrap_inline$M N M$, and tex2html_wrap_inline$N = &sum#sum;_g &isin#in;Gg$. Since tex2html_wrap_inline$M_G M/DM$, we have an tex2html_wrap_inline$R$-module inclusion tex2html_wrap_inline$H^1(G,M) &rarrhk#hookrightarrow;M_G$. We showed above that tex2html_wrap_inline$M_G[p]=0$, so the lemma follows.
theorem_type[remark][theorem][][remark][][] If tex2html_wrap_inline$p$ were replaced by a prime number tex2html_wrap_inline$p&isin#in;Z$ then the result would be immediate since using Herbrand quotients one shows that tex2html_wrap_inline$#H^0(G,M) = #H^1(G,M)$ (see [Se79, Prop. VIII.4.8]). It is unclear to the authors if the result is true in general, i.e., if tex2html_wrap_inline$G$ is replaced by an arbitrary group.
theorem_type[lemma][theorem][][plain][][] [Grothendieck]Let tex2html_wrap_inline$A$ be an abelian variety over the fraction field tex2html_wrap_inline$K$ of a strictly Henselian discrete valuation ring tex2html_wrap_inline$R$ (e.g. the maximal unramified extension of local field). Let tex2html_wrap_inline$n$ be an integer coprime to the residue characteristic of tex2html_wrap_inline$K$. Let tex2html_wrap_inline$x &isin#in;A(K)$ be a point whose reduction lands in the identity component of the closed fiber of the Néron model of tex2html_wrap_inline$A$. Then tex2html_wrap_inline$x &isin#in;nA(K)$.
theorem_type[proposition][theorem][][plain][][] Let tex2html_wrap_inline$A$ be an abelian variety over the fraction field tex2html_wrap_inline$K$ of a strictly Henselian discrete valuation ring tex2html_wrap_inline$R$. Let tex2html_wrap_inline$A$ be the Néron model of tex2html_wrap_inline$A$ and let tex2html_wrap_inline$A^0$ be the connected component of the identity element of tex2html_wrap_inline$A$. Then the group tex2html_wrap_inline$A^0(R)$ of tex2html_wrap_inline$R$-points on tex2html_wrap_inline$A^0$ is tex2html_wrap_inline$n$-divisible for every tex2html_wrap_inline$n$ that is relatively prime to the characteristic.
theorem_type[remark][theorem][][remark][][] Suppose that tex2html_wrap_inline$P &isin#in;A(K)$ is a point whose reduction lies in the identity component of the special fiber of the Néron model of tex2html_wrap_inline$A$. Since tex2html_wrap_inline$A(K) &sime#simeq;A(R)$ because of the Néron mapping property, the proposition implies that tex2html_wrap_inline$P$ is tex2html_wrap_inline$n$-divisible in tex2html_wrap_inline$A(K)$. Furthermore, tex2html_wrap_inline$P = nP'$ for a point tex2html_wrap_inline$P' &isin#in;A(K)$ whose reduction also lies in the identity component of the special fiber of tex2html_wrap_inline$A$ (although we will not need this last property).
William Stein 2006-06-21