Assume that . Let and and assume that is an irreducible -module. Then we have an equality
of subgroups of , where is as in (3).
where is the -new abelian subvariety of .
By [Rib90b, Lem. 1], the operator on acts as on . Consider the action of on the 2-dimensional vector space spanned by . The matrix of with respect to this basis is
In particular, neither of and is an eigenvector for . The characteristic polynomial of acting on the span of and is . Using our hypothesis on again, we have
Thus we can choose an algebraic integer such that
is an eigenvector of with eigenvalue congruent to modulo . (It does not matter for our purposes whether has distinct roots; nonetheless, since , [CV92, Thm. 2.1] implies that it does have distinct roots.) The cusp form has the same prime-indexed Fourier coefficients as at primes other than . Enlarge if necessary so that . The -th coefficient of is congruent modulo to and is an eigenvector for the full Hecke algebra. It follows from the recurrence relation for coefficients of the eigenforms that
for all integers .
By [Stu87], we have , so for all primes . Thus by the Brauer-Nesbitt theorem [CR62], the 2-dimensional -representations and are isomorphic.
Let be a maximal ideal of the Hecke algebra that annihilates the module . Note that since and is irreducible as a -module. The maximal ideal gives rise to a Galois representation isomorphic to , which is irreducible since the Galois module is irreducible. Finally, we apply [Wil95, Thm. 2.1(i)] for (i.e., ) to conclude that , i.e., the representation occurs with multiplicity one in . Thus
such that .
Thus maps, via , to , which in turn maps to 0 in .
Define tex2html_wrap_inline$S$ by the exact sequence displaymath 0 &rarr#to;R &rarr#to;T(N) &rarr#to;S &rarr#to;0. Let tex2html_wrap_inline$&ell#ell;$ be any prime. Then we have an exact sequence displaymath R&otimes#otimes;F_&ell#ell;&rarr#to;T(N)&otimes#otimes;F_&ell#ell;&rarr#to;S&otimes#otimes;F_&ell#ell;&rarr#to;0. Using what we did above,for each prime tex2html_wrap_inline$p&mid#mid;M$ we find a prime tex2html_wrap_inline$q&nmid#nmid;M$ such that tex2html_wrap_inline$T_q &equiv#equiv;T_p$ on tex2html_wrap_inline$J[&ell#ell;]$. Thus tex2html_wrap_inline$R&otimes#otimes;F_&ell#ell;&rarr#to;T&otimes#otimes;F_&ell#ell;$is surjective, hence tex2html_wrap_inline$S &otimes#otimes;F_&ell#ell;=0$. Since tex2html_wrap_inline$T$ is a finitely generated abelian group, so is tex2html_wrap_inline$S$, so we must have tex2html_wrap_inline$S=0$.
where the isomorphism is an isomorphism of -modules.
Clearly this homomorphism is injective. It is also surjective as every element is -torsion as an element of , as . Therefore, is an isomorphism of -modules.
William Stein 2006-06-21