A Heuristic Explanation

Let $ N$ be a positive integer and for simplicity of exposition assume that $ N=p_1\cdots p_r$ with the $ p_i$ distinct primes. It follows from Lemma 2.2.6 that there is a natural isomorphism

$\displaystyle f : (\mathbb{Z}/N\mathbb{Z})^* \longrightarrow (\mathbb{Z}/p_1\mathbb{Z})^* \times \cdots \times (\mathbb{Z}/p_r\mathbb{Z})^*.

When using Pollard's method, we choose an $ a\in (\mathbb{Z}/N\mathbb{Z})^*$ , compute $ a^m$ , then compute $ \gcd(a^m-1,N)$ . This $ \gcd$ is divisible exactly by the primes $ p_i$ such that $ a^m \equiv 1\pmod{p_i}$ . To reinterpret Pollard's method using the above isomorphism, let $ (a_1,\ldots,a_r) = f(a)$ . Then $ (a_1^m,\ldots,a_r^m) = f(a^m)$ , and the $ p_i$ that divide $ \gcd(a^m-1,N)$ are exactly the $ p_i$ such that $ a_i^m=1$ . By Theorem 2.1.19, these $ p_i$ include the primes $ p_j$ such that $ p_j-1$ is $ B$ -power smooth, where $ m=\lcm (1,\ldots,m)$ .

We will not define $ E(\mathbb{Z}/N\mathbb{Z}{})$ when $ N$ is composite, since this is not needed for the algorithm (where we assume that $ N$ is prime and hope for a contradiction). However, for the remainder of this paragraph, we pretend that $ E(\mathbb{Z}/N\mathbb{Z}{})$ is meaningful and describe a heuristic connection between Lenstra and Pollard's methods. The significant difference between Pollard's method and the elliptic curve method is that the isomorphism $ f$ is replaced by an isomorphism (in quotes)

$\displaystyle \lq\lq g : E(\mathbb{Z}/N\mathbb{Z}{}) \rightarrow E(\mathbb{Z}/p_1\mathbb{Z}{}) \times \cdots \times

where $ E$ is $ y^2=x^3+ax+1$ , and the $ a$ of Pollard's method is replaced by $ P=(0,1)$ . We put the isomorphism in quotes to emphasize that we have not defined $ E(\mathbb{Z}/N\mathbb{Z}{})$ . When carrying out the elliptic curve factorization algorithm, we attempt to compute $ m P$ and if some components of $ f(Q)$ are $ \O$ , for some point $ Q$ that appears during the computation, but others are nonzero, we find a nontrivial factor of $ N$ .

William 2007-06-01