Factoring $ n$ Given $ d$

In this section, we show that finding the decryption key $ d$ for an RSA cryptosystem is, in practice, at least as difficult as factoring $ n$ . We give a probabilistic algorithm that given a decryption key determines the factorization of $ n$ .

Consider an RSA cryptosystem with modulus $ n$ and encryption key $ e$ . Suppose we somehow finding an integer $ d$ such that

$\displaystyle a^{ed} \equiv a\pmod{n}

for all $ a$ . Then $ m=ed-1$ satisfies $ a^m\equiv 1\pmod{n}$ for all $ a$ that are coprime to $ n$ . As we saw in Section 3.3.1, knowing $ \varphi (n)$ leads directly to a factorization of $ n$ . Unfortunately, knowing $ d$ does not seem to lead easily to a factorization of $ n$ . However, there is a probabilistic procedure that, given an $ m$ such that $ a^m\equiv 1\pmod{n}$ , will find a factorization of $ n$ with ``high probability'' (we will not analyze the probability here).

Algorithm 3.3 (Probabilistic Algorithm to Factor $ n$ )   Let $ n=pq$ be the product of two distinct odd primes, and suppose $ m$ is an integer such that $ a^m\equiv 1\pmod{n}$ for all $ a$ coprime to $ n$ . This probabilistic algorithm factors $ n$ with ``high probability''. In the steps below, $ a$ always denotes an integer coprime to $ n=pq$ .
  1. [Divide out powers of 2] If $ m$ is even and $ a^{m/2}\equiv 1\pmod{n}$ for several randomly chosen $ a$ , set $ m=m/2$ , and go to step 1, otherwise let $ a$ be such that $ a^{m/2}\not \equiv 1\pmod{n}$ .
  2. [Compute GCD] Choose a random $ a$ and compute $ g=\gcd(a^{m/2}-1,n)$ .
  3. [Terminate?] If $ g$ is a proper divisor of $ n$ , output $ g$ and terminate. Otherwise go to step 2.

Before giving the proof we introduce some more terminology from algebra.

Definition 3.3 (Group Homomorphism)   Let $ G$ and $ H$ be groups. A map $ \varphi :G\to H$ is a group homomorphism if for all $ a,b\in G$ we have $ \varphi (ab) = \varphi (a) \varphi (b)$ . A group homomorphism is called surjective if for every $ c\in H$ there is $ a\in G$ such that $ \varphi (a) = c$ . The kernel of a group homomorphism $ \varphi :G\to H$ is the set $ \ker(\varphi )$ of elements $ a\in G$ such that $ \varphi (a) = 1$ . A group homomorphism is injective if $ \ker(\varphi ) = \{1\}$ .

Definition 3.3 (Subgroup)   If $ G$ is a group and $ H$ is a subset of $ G$ , then $ H$ is a subgroup if $ H$ is a group under the group operation on $ G$ .

For example, if $ \varphi :G\to H$ is a group homomorphism, then $ \ker(\varphi )$ is a subgroup of $ G$ (see Exercise 2.21).

We now return to discussing Algorithm 3.3.5. In step 1, note that $ m$ is even since $ (-1)^m\equiv
1\pmod{n}$ , so it makes sense to consider $ m/2$ . It is not practical to determine whether or not $ a^{m/2}\equiv 1\pmod{n}$ for all $ a$ , because it would require doing a computation for too many $ a$ . Instead, we try a few random $ a$ ; if $ a^{m/2}\equiv 1\pmod{n}$ for the $ a$ we check, we divide $ m$ by $ 2$ . Also note that if there exists even a single $ a$ such that $ a^{m/2}\not \equiv 1\pmod{n}$ , then half the $ a$ have this property, since then $ a\mapsto a^{m/2}$ is a surjective homomorphism $ (\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}{})^*\rightarrow \{\pm 1\}$ and the kernel has index $ 2$ .

Proposition 2.5.3 implies that if $ x^2\equiv 1\pmod{p}$ then $ x=\pm 1\pmod{p}$ . In step 2, since $ (a^{m/2})^2
\equiv 1\pmod{n}$ , we also have $ (a^{m/2})^2 \equiv 1\pmod{p}$ and $ (a^{m/2})^2 \equiv 1\pmod{q}$ , so $ a^{m/2}\equiv \pm 1\pmod{p}$ and $ a^{m/2}\equiv \pm 1\pmod{q}$ . Since $ a^{m/2}\not \equiv 1\pmod{n}$ , there are three possibilities for these signs, so with probability $ 2/3$ , one of the following two possibilities occurs:

  1.      $ \displaystyle
a^{m/2}\equiv +1\pmod{p}$   and$ \qquad a^{m/2}\equiv -1\pmod{q}
  2.      $ \displaystyle
a^{m/2}\equiv -1\pmod{p}$   and$ \qquad a^{m/2}\equiv
+1\pmod{q}. $
The only other possibility is that both signs are $ -1$ . In the first case,

$\displaystyle p\mid a^{m/2}-1$   but$\displaystyle \qquad
q\nmid a^{m/2}-1,$

so $ \gcd(a^{m/2}-1,pq) = p, $ and we have factored $ n$ . Similarly, in the second case, $ \gcd(a^{m/2}-1,pq) =
q, $ and we again factor $ n$ .

Example 3.3   Somehow we discover that the RSA cryptosystem with

$\displaystyle n=32295194023343$   and$\displaystyle \qquad e=29468811804857

has decryption key $ d= 11127763319273$ . We use this information and Algorithm 3.3.5 to factor $ n$ . If

$\displaystyle m = ed-1 = 327921963064646896263108960,$

then $ \varphi (pq)\mid m$ , so $ a^m\equiv 1\pmod{n}$ for all $ a$ coprime to $ n$ . For each $ a\leq 20$ we find that $ a^{m/2}\equiv 1\pmod{n}$ , so we replace $ m$ by

$\displaystyle \frac{m}{2}= 163960981532323448131554480.$

Again, we find with this new $ m$ that for each $ a\leq 20$ , $ a^{m/2}\equiv 1\pmod{n}$ , so we replace $ m$ by $ 81980490766161724065777240$ . Yet again, for each $ a\leq 20$ , $ a^{m/2}\equiv 1\pmod{n}$ , so we replace $ m$ by $ 40990245383080862032888620$ . This is enough, since $ 2^{m/2} \equiv 4015382800099\pmod{n}$ . Then

$\displaystyle \gcd(2^{m/2}-1,n) = \gcd(4015382800098,32295194023343) = 737531,

and we have found a factor of $ n$ . Dividing, we find that

$\displaystyle n = 737531 \cdot 43788253.

SAGE Example 3.3   We implement Algorithm 3.3.5 in SAGE.
sage: def crack_given_decrypt(n, m):
...    n = Integer(n); m = Integer(m);  # some type checking
...    # Step 1: divide out powers of 2
...    while True:
...        if is_odd(m): break
...        divide_out = True
...        for i in range(5):
...           a = randrange(1,n)
...           if gcd(a,n) == 1:
...              if Mod(a,n)^(m//2) != 1:
...                  divide_out = False
...                  break
...        if divide_out:
...            m = m//2
...        else:
...            break
...    # Step 2: Compute GCD
...    while True:
...        a = randrange(1,n)
...        g = gcd(lift(Mod(a, n)^(m//2)) - 1, n)
...        if g != 1 and g != n:
...            return g
We show how to verify Example 3.3.8 using SAGE.
sage: n=32295194023343; e=29468811804857; d=11127763319273
sage: crack_given_decrypt(n, e*d - 1)
sage: factor(n)
737531 * 43788253

We try a much larger example.

sage: e = 22601762315966221465875845336488389513
sage: d = 31940292321834506197902778067109010093
sage: n = 268494924039590992469444675130990465673
sage: p = crack_given_decrypt(n, e*d - 1)
sage: p   # random output (could be other prime divisor)
sage: n % p

William 2007-06-01