William Stein's Schedule
June 17-21, 2013
Summer 2013 (June 24 -- August 16): REU
- June 17-21, 2013: Sage Notebook development workshop
June 1-2, 2013: PNWNTC (Seattle)
- April 1, 2013 - June 14, 2013: Teach, at University of Washington, a lot.
March 25-29, 2013: Sage Days: Transitioning to Git (Portland State University)
March 9-13, 2013: Arizona Winter School on Modular Forms (Tucson, AZ)
- February 25-March 2, 2013: Sage Days -- Hawaii
January 31-February 3, 2013: Sage Day 44: Overconvergent Modular Forms in Sage (Madison, WI)
January 9-12, 2013: Joint Mathematics Meetings (San Diego)
- Dec 27-29, 2012: 10th Anniversary
- Dec 23-26, 2012: Arizona
- Dec 10-14, 2012: Reproducibility in Computational and Experimental Mathematics" at ICERM (Brown University)
October 10, 2012 at 1pm: SACNAS Sage Workshop; probably here in room 612
- September 24 - Dec 7, 2012: Dates of Instruction of Fall 2012 Quarter at UW
- August 16, 2012 at 2:30: Wenhan Wang's thesis defense at UW
July 23-August 3, 2012: SIMUW
July 15-19, 2012: Sage Days 42: Women in Sage (3) at Wallace Falls (go to part of this, maybe)
July 13-15, 2012: My wife's birthday at Doe Bay.
July 9-13, 2012: ANTS 10 in San Diego
June 24-30, 2012: co-Organize Arithmetic Statistics School in Snowbird Utah -- see their wiki
June 11-15, 2012: Sage Days 41: Notebook (in Seattle)
May 24-29, 2012: Sage Days 40.5: Bug Days
- May 15, 2012: Simons Foundation meeting on funding open source math software (in New York City)
- May 12-14: New York City
- May 7-11, 2012: Maryland
April 27-29, 2012: Atkin Lecturer in Chicago at a Conference on Elliptic Curves over Q(sqrt(5))
- April 18-22, 2012: p-adic overconvergent Sage Days at UW...
- March 26-April 1, 2012: FRG workshop in Bristol
- March 24-25, 2012: Work with Barry Mazur in Cambridge, MA
March 20-23, 2012: Global Arithmetic Dynamics workshop in Providence, RI (depart Seattle on March 19.)
March 17-19, 2012: Sage Review Days at University of Washington
March 10-14, 2012: Arizona Winter School 2012: Ramification and Geometry
- February 29-?, 2012: Jury Duty Summons
February 19-23, 2012: p-adic Sage Days in San Diego
- February 11-12, 2012: Sage Notebook Days Weekend in Seattle
- January 20-23, 2012: Visit San Diego.
January 3-March 9, 2012: Winter quarter at UW -- teach a big combined undergrad/grad course on Sage.
January 1-7, 2012: Run an AMS Short Course at JMM in Boston on Computing with Elliptic Curves using Sage, have a booth, etc.
- December 11-20, 2011: Arizona.
Saturday, November 19, 2011: Speak about Sage at Combinatorics Potlatch at Seattle University
Friday, October 28, 2011: Speak in number theory seminar in Austin, Texas about elliptic curves over Q(sqrt(5))
Monday, October 24, 2011: Speak in the Number Theory Seminar about curves over Q(sqrt(5)) in Santa Cruz.
- Sunday, October 23, 2011: Skateboard Lake Cunningham in San Jose and also the Santa Cruz Skatepark
Saturday, October 22, 2011: Speak at BAANTAGE3 about Chow-Heegner points in Santa Cruz.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011: First day of classes at UW! (Quarter is Sept 28 - Dec 9.)
September 19-23, 2011: Near Seattle Sage Days 33
- September 10-16, 2011: My brother is visiting, and we're going to visit my parents in Idaho.
August 21-25, 2011: Near Seattle Sage Days 32
- August 12-21, 2011: San Diego (visit brother)
July 9-15, 2011: Budapest, Hungary -- Foundations of Computational Mathematics (FoCM) 2011 (plenary speaker on July 13th, 2011), and Computational Number Theory Workshop at FoCM
June 20 - August 12, 2011: Undergraduate REU summer program at Univ. of Washington on Elliptic Curves / Sage
June 13-18, 2011: Sage Days 31
- June 3-8, 2011: Arizona Skateboarding trip with my brother.
May 7-8, 2011: Pacific Northwest Number Theory Conference in Bellingham, WA. (not going)
May 1-7, 2011: Current status of knowledge about the Conjecture of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer, in England (Cambridge and Kavli Centre).
March 21-25, 2011: Sage Days 29 in Seattle.
March 12-16, 2011: Arizona Winter School
Mar 1-3, 2011: Richard Taylor's Milliman lectures at Univ of Washington, and I'm going to them.
Feb 26, 2011: Plenary talk on Sage at the Northern California, Nevada, and Hawaii Section of the Mathematical Association of America. (We are also known as the Golden Section of the MAA.) This 1-day meeting will be held on February 26, 2011 in Santa Rosa, California (in the heart of Sonoma County, i.e., the Wine Country).
Feb 25, 2011: Number theory seminar at Stanford
- Feb 15-20, 2011: San Diego
Jan 31 - Feb 4, 2011: Introductory Workshop: Arithmetic Statistics in Berkeley, CA
Jan 16 - Feb 4, 2011: Berkeley, CA -- MSRI Program on Arithmetic Statistics (co-organizer)
Jan 7-13, 2011: Sage Days 27: Bug Days
Jan 2-5, 2011: Minnesota Tate Conference
- Dec 13-24, 2010: Big Island, Hawaii
Dec 7-11, 2010: Seattle, WA -- Sage Days 26: Women in Sage
- Nov 11-14, 2010: Seattle, WA -- Jen B is visiting from Boston.
October 18-22, 2010: Seattle, WA -- Workshop on Elliptic Curve Cryptography at Microsoft Research (co-organizer)
September 29, 2010: First day of class! I'm teaching my dream courses: a grad course on number theory and a grad course on Sage.
(cancelled) Sept 13-17, 2010: Kobe, Japan -- International Congress of Mathematical Software 2010 (plenary speaker)
(cancelled) August 19-27, 2010: Hyderabad, India -- The International Congress of Mathematicians
(cancelled) August 13-18, 2010: Goa, India -- Number Theory Conference at The International Centre Goa
(cancelled) August 9-12, 2010: Bombay, India -- Sage Days 25
July 17-22, 2010: Linz, Austria -- Sage Days 24 on Special Functions
July 14-16, 2010: Kaiserslautern, Germany -- Sage Days 23.5 on Singular/Sage Integration
- July 12-13, 2010: Paris, France -- math research (meet with Loic Merel)
July 10-11, 2010: Paris, France -- EuroScipy 2010
July 5-9, 2010: Leiden -- Sage Days 23 on Number Theory
June 21 - July 2, 2010: Berkeley -- Sage Days 22 at MSRI (an MSRI Graduate Summer Workshop on Elliptic Curves)
May 23-28, 2010: Seattle, WA -- Sage Days on Elliptic Curves over Function Fields
May 10-11, 2010: Austin, Texas -- Sage tutorial at supercomputing workshop (May 10) , UT number theory seminar
May 8-9, 2010: Vancouver, Canada --Pacific Northwest Number Theory Conference 2010
- April 25-29, 2010: San Diego, California
March 22-26, 2010: Montreal, Canada -- Computer Methods for L-functions and Automorphic Forms
March 13-17, 2010: Tucson, Arizona -- Arizona Winter School in Tucson
- Feb 1-3, 2010: Washington, D.C.
January 16-20, 2010: Seattle, WA -- Sage Days 19 in Seattle
January 13-16, 2010: San Francisco, CA -- Joint Mathematics Meeting in San Francisco
- Dec 13-16, 2009: Visit San Diego (brother, codenode guys, etc.)
Dec 1 - Dec 5, 2009: CMI Workshop: Sage Days 18: Computations related to the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture at The Clay Math Institute in Cambridge, MA.
November 6, 2009: Number theory seminar in Stanford
- November 4, 2009: Number theory seminar in Berkeley
September 14-20, 2009: Sage Days 17 at Lopez Island
- Sept 9 - 13, 2009: Modular forms database Sage pre-days.
- Sept 1 - 8, 2009: Number theory research (in Seattle)
- August 18-31, 2009, Finish popular Riemann Hypothesis book with Barry Mazur
- July 21-August 17, 2009: Number theory research in Seattle.
(me going is canceled) July 19-31, 2009, Modular Forms Workshop at the Benasque Center in Benasque, Spain
(me going is canceled) July 12-18, 2009, Explicit Methods in Number Theory at Oberwolfach in Germany
July 1-4, 2009: Open source workshop http://www.jornadespl.org/news/crida-a-participar-a-les-viii-jpl in Barcelona, Spain
June 22-27, 2009: Sage Days 16 in Barcelona, Spain
June 15-19, 2009: Plenary talk at MEGA in Barcelona, Spain
- June 8-12, 2009: Visit Princeton and Maryland
- May 25-28, 2009: Los Angeles (family)
May 16-21, 2009: Sage Days 15 in Seattle, WA
- April 25-26, 2009: Parents visit
April 3-4, 2009: Give Colloquium and teach MAA Minicourse on Sage at Central Washington University on the Ellensburg campus.
March 14-18, 2009: Arizona Winter School, March 14-18
Mar 10-12, 2009: Sage Days 14 MSRI (Berkeley, CA); give Number Theory Seminar at Berkeley at 4pm on March 11.
- Feb 28-Mar 2, 2009: Sage Days 13: Quadratic Forms and Lattices --- Athens, Georgia.
- Feb 27: Colloquium at Emory
- Feb 19: Dustin Moody's generals exam
- Feb 18: Rene Schoof visits UW
Jan 20-25, 2009: Sage Days 12 in San Diego
November 7-9, 2008: Sage Days 11 in Austin, Texas
October 13-18, 2008: Bordeaux -- Galois Theory and Explicit Methods
October 10 to 12, 2008: Sage Days 10 in Nancy, France
- Sept 26-29, 2008: Flagstaff
- August 23-29, 2008: San Diego
- August 23, 2008: Visit Grandma? Travel to San Diego
August 19-22, 2008: Scipy 2008 at Caltech
August 9-16, 2008: Sage Days 9 in Vancouver: Mathematical graphics and visualization
July 28 to August 8, 2008: SIMUW
July 20-25, 2008: Speak at ISSAC 2008 in Linz, Austria.
July 18, 2008: Speak at the 2008 ECM in Amsterdam
July 17, 2008: Sailing in Amsterdam with Jaap Spies
- July 2-11, 2008: San Diego
June 28 to July 2, 2008: Speak at Ken Ribet's 60th Birthday Conference at MSRI in Berkeley, CA
June 23-27, 2008 in Seattle for the first researcher workshop on modular forms and L-functions
June 16-20, 2008 in Seattle for the grad modular forms and L-functions workshop
June 13-21, 2008: -- Sage Developer Coding Week 1
- April 24, 2008: Seattle University Colloquium Talk
- April 21, 2008: Stephanie Vance's Generals at 2:30pm.
March 15-19, 2008: Arizona Winter School in Tucson, AZ
- March 6, 2008: Speak in the UW undergrad pizza seminar - Undergraduate Mathematical Sciences Seminar
Feb 29 -- March 4, 2008: Sage Days 8 at UT Austin: Number Theory and High Performance Numerical Computation
- Feb 13, 2008: Mandatory workshop about having a grant at UW in the Hub 106b, 10am-12pm.
- Feb 10--12, 2008: Visit San Diego.
Feb 6--9, 2008: Sage Days 7, IPAM.
- Feb 1, 2008: Visit Google Manhattan.
- Jan 28--31, 2008: Visit Princeton.
- Jan 13 - 16, 2008: Bill Hart interviewing for a tenure-track job at UW.
January 5--9, 2008: SAGE booth and talk at the AMS Joint Meetings, San Diego; I'll be staying here.
- January 3--5, 2008: Visit San Diego
- December 16--Jan 3, 2007: Winter break holiday in Arizona, mostly.
November 29, 2007: Reed College Colloquium (in Portland, OR).
November 10-14, 2007: SAGE Days 6: Bristol
Friday, October 26, 2007: NSF meeting in Washington, DC
Sunday, October 21 - 23, 2007: Flagstaff, AZ
October 13 --14, 2007 (weekend): Give Plenary talk on SAGE at the AMS Sectional Meeting, in Albuquerque, NM
- October 4--7, 2007: Finish writing a book on the Riemann Hypothesis with Barry Mazur, Cambridge, MA
Sept 30 - October 3, 2007: SAGE Days 5 -- Computational Arithmetic Geometry -- in Cambridge, MA at the Clay Math Institute and my Pack List