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Math 581d: Computer Programming for Pure Mathematicians

This course is about the use of computers to help with pure research mathematics. It will not discuss applied mathematics, for which there are many existing courses in the UW applied mathematics department (e.g., by Randy Leveque, and others).

Papers to read

Related Sage Courses

I taught an undergraduate course on Sage three times:

Relevant software links

General purpose mathematics software

These are general purpose math software environments that are useful for research mathematics.

Special purpose math software systems and libraries

General purpose programming languages

In this course we will focus mostly on Python, Cython and C++, which provide a nice range of capabilities, which illustrate various approaches to programming with different pros and cons.

Though Java, C#, and Perl are popular languages, I've personally encountered little pure mathematics research code written in them (e.g., none of the above systems use Java, C# or Perl, as far as I know). All the systems listed above (except Maxima) are written in C/C++ and a special-purpose interpreter, or Python, in the case of Sage. In fact, Python itself is "just" a big C program.


2013-05-11 18:33