be the unique (up
to sign) rational
-form on a minimal Weierstrass model of
restricts to a nowhere-vanishing
-form on the smooth locus.
The pullback of
is a
rational multiple of the differential associated to the normalized
new cuspidal eigenform
associated to
The Manin constant
of is
is the
absolute value of this rational multiple. The
Manin constant plays a role in the conjecture of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer
(see, e.g., [GZ86, p. 310]) and in work on
modular parametrizations (see [Ste89,SW04,Vat05]). It is known that the Manin constant is an integer;
this fact is important to Cremona's computations
of elliptic curves (see [Cre97, pg. 45]), and algorithms
for computing special values of elliptic curve
-functions. Manin
conjectured that
. In Section 2, we summarize
known results about
, and give the new result that
if if
is not a congruence prime and
I made some modifications in the paragraph below. -AmodIn Section 3,
we generalize the definition of the Manin constant and many of
the results mentioned so far to optimal quotients of
of any dimension associated to ideals of the Hecke algebra.
The generalized Manin constant comes up naturally in studying the
conjecture of
Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer for such quotients
(see [AS05, §4]), which is our motivation for studying the
We state what we
can prove about the generalized Manin constant, and
make a conjecture that the
constant is also
for quotients associated to newforms. The proofs
of the theorems stated in Section 3 are in
Section 4. Section 5 is an appendix
written by J. Cremona about computational verification that the Manin
constant is
for many elliptic curves.
Acknowledgments. The authors are grateful
to A. Abbes, K. Buzzard, R. Coleman, B. Conrad, B. Edixhoven,
A. Joyce, L. Merel, and R. Taylor for discussions and advice regarding
this paper. The authors wish to thank the referee for helpful
comments and suggestions.
William Stein 2006-06-25