My approach to showing that
is as large as predicted
by the BSD conjecture is suggested by Mazur's notion of
the visible subgroup of
Consider an abelian variety A that sits naturally
in the Jacobian J0(N) of the modular curve X0(N).
The visible subgroup of
consists of those
that go to 0 under the natural map to
Cremona and Mazur observed that if an element of order p
is visible,
then it is explained by a jump in the rank of Mordell-Weil,
in the sense that there is another abelian subvariety
such that
and B has many rational points.
I am trying to find the precise degree to which this observation
can be turned around: if there is
another abelian variety B with many rational points and
then under what hypotheses
is there an element of
of order p?