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Problems for next time.

  1. (Jeff) Let $ \P ^2$ be the set of triples $ [a,b,c]$ modulo scalar multiplication, as usual. Define a line in $ \P ^2$ to be the set of solutions of an equation of the form

    $\displaystyle a X + b Y + c Z=0

    for some numbers $ a, b, c$ not all zero. Prove (from the definition) that any two distinct points in $ \P ^2$ are contained in a unique line. Then prove that any two distinct lines in $ \P ^2$ intersect in a unique point.

  2. (Jennifer) Let $ F(X,Y,Z) \in {\mathbb{C}}[X,Y,Z]$ be a homogeneous polynomial of degree $ n$. Prove that the partial derivatives of $ F$ are homogeneous polynomials of degree $ n-1$, and use this to show that

    $\displaystyle X \frac{\partial F}{\partial X}
+ Y \frac{\partial F}{\partial Y}
+ Z \frac{\partial F}{\partial Z} = n F

    by differentiating $ F(tX,tY,tZ) = t^n$ with respect to $ t$.

  3. (Mauro)
    1. Let $ C$ be a curve in $ \P ^2$ defined by $ F(X,Y,Z)=0$, where $ F$ is a homogenous polynomial. Prove that if  $ P\in \P ^2$ satifies the equation

      $\displaystyle \frac{\partial F}{\partial X}(P) = \frac{\partial F}{\partial Y}(P) = \frac{\partial F}{\partial Z}(P) = 0,$ (1)

      then $ P$ ``automatically'' satisfies $ F(P)=0$. Thus to find the singular points on $ C$, you just have to find the common solutions to (1); it is not necessary to include $ F=0$.

    2. Find all singular points on the curve defined by

      $\displaystyle F(X,Y,Z) = X^7-Y^2Z^5=0.

  4. (Alex) For each of the given affine curves $ C_0$, find a projective curve $ C$ whose affine part is $ C_0$. Then find all of the points at infinity on the projective curve $ C$.
    1. $ 3x-7y+5=0$
    2. $ x^2+xy-2y^2+x-5y+7=0$
    3. $ x^3+x^2y - 3xy^2 - 3y^3+2x^2-x+5=0$

  5. (Jenna) For each of the following curves $ C$ and points $ P$, either find the tangent line to $ C$ at $ P$ or else verify that $ C$ is singular at $ P$.
    $ C$ $ P$
    $ y^2=x^3-x$ $ (1,0)$
    $ X^2+Y^2=Z^2$ $ (3:4:5)$
    $ x^2+y^4+2xy+2x+2y+1=0$ $ (-1,0)$
    $ X^3+Y^3+Z^3 = XYZ$ $ (1:-1:0)$

  6. (Alex) Let $ C$ be the cubic curve $ u^3+v^3=u+v+1$. In the projective plane, the point $ (1:-1:0)$ at infinity lies on this curve. Find rational functoins $ x=x(u,v)$ and $ y=y(u,v)$ so that $ x$ and $ y$ satisfy a cubic equation in Weierstrass normal form (i.e., $ y^2=x^3+ax^2+bx+c$).

  7. (Jeff) Let $ C$ be the cubic curve in $ \P ^2$ given by

    $\displaystyle Y^2 Z = X^3 + aX^2Z + bXZ^2 + cZ^3.

    Prove that the point $ (0:1:0)$ on $ C$ is nonsingular.

  8. (Jenna) Let $ C_1$ and $ C_2$ be the cubics given by the following equations:

    $\displaystyle C_1: x^3+2y^3 - x - 2y = 0,\qquad
C_2: 2x^3+y^3 - 2x - y = 0.

    Find the nine points of intersection of $ C_1$ and $ C_2$.

  9. (Jennifer) The cubic curve $ u^3+v^3=\alpha$ (with $ \alpha\neq 0$) has a rational point $ (1,-1,0)$ at infinity. Taking this rational point to be $ \O$ (the identity element of the group), we can make the points on the curve into a group. Derive a formula for the sum $ P_1+P_2$ of two distinct points $ P_1=(u_1,v_1)$ and $ P_2=(u_2,v_2)$.

  10. (Mauro) Verify that if $ u$ and $ v$ satisfy the relation $ u^3+v^3=1$, then the quantities

    $\displaystyle x = \frac{12}{u+v}$   and$\displaystyle \qquad
y = 36 \frac{u-v}{u+v}

    satisfy the relation $ y^2=x^3-432$. We thus obtain a birational transformation $ f$ from the curve $ u^3+v^3=1$ to the curve $ y^2=x^3-432$. Each of these cubic curves can have a group law defined on it. Prove that $ f$ is an isomorphism of groups, where the zero element for $ y^2=x^3-432$ is the point $ (0:1:0)$ and the zero element for $ u^3+v^3=1$ is $ (1:-1:0)$ (at infinity).

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William A Stein 2003-02-11