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Projective Space

The following is a completely general definition of projective space.

Definition 1.1 (Projective Space)   Let $ k$ be a field and $ n\geq 0$ an integer. Then $ n$ dimensional projective space is, as a set,

$\displaystyle \P ^n_k = \{(a_1 : a_2 : \cdots : a_{n+1}) \, : \,$    not all $a_i=0$ $\displaystyle \}/\sim,

where $ \sim$ is the equivalence relation in which

$\displaystyle (a_1 : a_2 : \cdots : a_{n+1}) \sim (c a_1 : c a_2 : \cdots : c a_{n+1})

for all nonzero $ c\in k$. (Think of $ (a_1 : a_2 : \cdots : a_{n+1})$ as a ratio.)

When $ k$ has a topology, $ \P ^n_k$ inherits a topology (as a quotient of $ k^{n-1}-0$) which we probably won't worry about much in this course.
  1. The projective space of dimension 0 is a single point.
  2. The projective line $ \P ^1_k$ is, as a set,

    $\displaystyle \{ (a_1:a_2) \, : \, a_1, a_2 \in k \} / \!\sim\,\,\,
=\, \{ (1 : a) \, : \, a \in k \} \cup \{ (0:1)\}.

    Thus the projective line is the usual line union one extra point $ (0,1)$, which we often think of as being ``at infinity''.
    1. The set $ \P ^1_{\mathbb{R}}$ is the real line along with one extra point at infinity; thus $ \P ^1_{\mathbb{R}}$ is in bijection with a circle.
    2. The set $ \P ^1_{\mathbb{C}}$ is equal to the complex plane  $ {\mathbb{C}}$ along with one extra point at infinity. Alternatively, $ \P ^1_{\mathbb{C}}$ can be thought of as the points on the sphere with the north pole corresponding to the point at infinity.
  3. When $ n=2$ we obtain the projective plane:

    $\displaystyle \{ (a_1 : a_2 : 1) \, : \, a_1, a_2 \in k \}
\cup \{ (1 : a : 0) \, : \, a \in k \}
\cup \{ (0 : 1 : 0) \}.

    We can think of $ \P ^2_k$ as the usual plane along with a copy of $ \P ^1_k$ ``at infinity''. The real projective plane $ \P ^2_{\mathbb{R}}$ looks like a plane union a circle at infinity. The complex projective plane $ \P ^2_{\mathbb{C}}$ has real dimension $ 4$ so it is harder to describe, but it is where we will primarily work.
  4. In general, $ \P ^n_k$ is usual $ n$-dimension space along with a $ \P ^{n-1}_k$ ``at infinity''.

Definition 1.2 (Homogeneous Polynomial)   A homogeneous polynomial is a polynomial $ F(X_1,\ldots,X_n)$ such that $ F(c X_1,\ldots, c X_N) = c^d F(X_1,\ldots, X_n)$ for all $ c\in k$, where $ d = \deg(F)$. Equivalently, each of the monomials in $ F$ have the same degree.

Definition 1.3 (Algebraic Variety)   An algebraic variety in $ \P ^n_k$ is the set of solutions to a system

$\displaystyle F_1(X_1,\ldots,X_{n+1}) = \cdots = F_r(X_1,\ldots,X_{n+1}) = 0$

of homogeneous polynomial equations. The homogeneity condition ensures that this set is well defined.

Definition 1.4 (Algebraic Plane Curve)   An algebraic curve in $ \P ^2_k$ is the set of solutions to a single nonconstant homogenous polynomial equation

$\displaystyle \{(a:b:c) : F_1(a,b,c) = 0\}.

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William A Stein 2003-02-11