Some Complete Examples

So the arithmetic is easy to follow, we use small primes $ p$ and $ q$ and encrypt the single letter ``X'' using the RSA cryptosystem.

  1. Choose $ p$ and $ q$ : Let $ p=17$ , $ q=19$ , so $ n=pq = 323$ .
  2. Compute $ \varphi (n)$ :

    $\displaystyle \varphi (n)$ $\displaystyle = \varphi (p\cdot q) =\varphi (p)\cdot\varphi (q) = (p-1)(q-1)$    
      $\displaystyle = pq-p-q+1 = 323-17-19+1 = 288.$    

  3. Randomly choose an $ e<288$ : We choose $ e=95$ .
  4. Solve

    $\displaystyle 95x \equiv 1\pmod{288}.

    Using the GCD algorithm, we find that $ d=191$ solves the equation.

The public key is $ (323,95)$ , so the encryption function is

$\displaystyle E(x) = x^{95},

and the decryption function is $ D(x) = x^{191}$ .

Next, we encrypt the letter ``X''. It is encoded as the number $ 24$ , since X is the $ 24$ th letter of the alphabet. We have

$\displaystyle E(24) = 24^{95} = 294 \in \mathbb{Z}/323\mathbb{Z}{}.

To decrypt, we compute $ E^{-1}$ :

$\displaystyle E^{-1}(294) = 294^{191} = 24 \in \mathbb{Z}/323\mathbb{Z}{}.

This next example illustrates RSA but with bigger numbers. Let

$\displaystyle p=738873402423833494183027176953,   q=3787776806865662882378273.


$\displaystyle n=p\cdot q = 2798687536910915970127263606347911460948554197853542169


$\displaystyle \varphi (n)$ $\displaystyle =(p-1)(q-1)$    
  $\displaystyle = 2798687536910915970127262867470721260308194351943986944.$    

Using a pseudo-random number generator on a computer, the author randomly chose the integer

$\displaystyle e=1483959194866204179348536010284716655442139024915720699.


$\displaystyle d = 2113367928496305469541348387088632973457802358781610803

Since $ \log_{27}(n) \approx 38.04$ , we can encode then encrypt single blocks of up to 38 letters. Let's encrypt ``RUN NIKITA'', which encodes as $ m=143338425831991$ . We have

$\displaystyle E(m)$ $\displaystyle = m^e$    
  $\displaystyle = 1504554432996568133393088878600948101773726800878873990.$    

Remark 3.2   In practice one usually choses $ e$ to be small, since that does not seem to reduce the security of RSA, and makes the key size smaller. For example, in the OpenSSL documentation (see about their implementation of RSA it states that ``The exponent is an odd number, typically 3, 17 or 65537.''

William 2007-06-01