Realistic Diffie-Hellman Example

In this section we present an example that uses bigger numbers. First we prove a proposition that we can use to choose a prime $ p$ in such a way that it is easy to find a $ g\in(\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z}{})^*$ with order $ p-1$ . We have already seen in Section 2.5 that for every prime $ p$ there exists an element $ g$ of order $ p-1$ , and we gave Algorithm 2.5.16 for finding a primitive root for any prime. The significance of the proposition below is that it suggests an algorithm for finding a primitive root that is easier to use in practice when $ p$ is large, because it does not require factoring $ p-1$ . Of course, one could also just use a random $ g$ for Diffie-Hellman; it is not essential that $ g$ generates $ (\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z}{})^*$ .

Proposition 3.1   Suppose $ p$ is a prime such that $ (p-1)/2$ is also prime. Then the elements of $ (\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z}{})^*$ have order either $ 1$$ 2$ , $ (p-1)/2$ , or $ p-1$ .

Proof. Since $ p$ is prime, the group $ (\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z}{})^*$ has order $ p-1$ . By assumption, the prime factorization of $ p-1$ is $ 2\cdot ((p-1)/2)$ . Let $ a\in (\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z}{})^*$ . Then by Theorem 2.1.19, $ a^{p-1}=1$ , so the order of $ a$ is a divisor of $ p-1$ , which proves the proposition. $ \qedsymbol$

Given a prime $ p$ with $ (p-1)/2$ prime, find an element of order $ p-1$ as follows. If $ 2$ has order $ p-1$ we are done. If not, $ 2$ has order $ (p-1)/2$ since $ 2$ doesn't have order either $ 1$ or $ 2$ . Then $ -2$ has order $ p-1$ .

Let $ p=93450983094850938450983409611$ . Then $ p$ is prime, but $ (p-1)/2$ is not. So we keep adding $ 2$ to $ p$ and testing pseudoprimality using algorithms from Section 2.4 until we find that the next pseudoprime after $ p$ is

$\displaystyle q=93450983094850938450983409623.

It turns out that $ q$ pseudoprime and $ (q-1)/2$ is also pseudoprime. We find that $ 2$ has order $ (q-1)/2$ , so $ g=-2$ has order $ q-1$ modulo $ q$ , and is hence a generator of $ (\mathbb{Z}/q\mathbb{Z}{})^*$ , at least assuming that $ q$ is really prime.

The secret random numbers generated by Nikita and Michael are

$\displaystyle n = 18319922375531859171613379181


$\displaystyle m = 82335836243866695680141440300.

Nikita sends

$\displaystyle g^n = 45416776270485369791375944998 \in (\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z}{})^*

to Michael, and Michael sends

$\displaystyle g^m = 15048074151770884271824225393\in (\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z}{})^*

to Nikita. They agree on the secret key

$\displaystyle g^{nm} = 85771409470770521212346739540\in (\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z}{})^*.

SAGE Example 3.1   We illustrate the above computations using SAGE.
sage: q = 93450983094850938450983409623
sage: q.is_prime()
sage: is_prime((q-1)//2)
sage: g = Mod(-2, q)
sage: g.multiplicative_order()
sage: n = 18319922375531859171613379181; m = 82335836243866695680141440300
sage: g^n
sage: g^m
sage: (g^n)^m
sage: (g^m)^n

William 2007-06-01