Primality Testing

Theorem 2.4 (Pseudoprimality)   An integer $ p>1$ is prime if and only if for every $ a\not\equiv 0\pmod{p}$ ,

$\displaystyle a^{p-1}\equiv 1\pmod{p}.

Proof. If $ p$ is prime, then the statement follows from Proposition 2.1.21. If $ p$ is composite, then there is a divisor $ a$ of $ p$ with $ 2 \leq a < p$ . If $ a^{p-1}\equiv 1\pmod{p}$ , then $ p\mid a^{p-1} -1$ . Since $ a\mid p$ , we have $ a \mid a^{p-1} -1$ hence there exists an integer $ k$ such that $ ak = a^{p-1}-1$ . Subtracting we see that $ a^{p-1} - ak = 1$ , so $ a(a^{p-2} - k) = 1$ . This implies that $ a\mid 1$ , which is a contradiction since $ a \geq 2$ . $ \qedsymbol$

Suppose $ n\in\mathbb{N}$ . Using Theorem 2.4.1 and Algorithm 2.3.13, we can either quickly prove that $ n$ is not prime, or convince ourselves that $ n$ is likely prime (but not quickly prove that $ n$ is prime). For example, if $ 2^{n-1}\not\equiv 1\pmod{n}$ , then we have proved that $ n$ is not prime. On the other hand, if $ a^{n-1}\equiv 1\pmod{n}$ for a few $ a$ , it ``seems likely'' that $ n$ is prime, and we loosely refer to such a number that seems prime for several bases as a pseudoprime.

There are composite numbers $ n$ (called Carmichael numbers) with the amazing property that $ a^{n-1}\equiv 1\pmod{n}$ for all $ a$ with $ \gcd(a,n)=1$ . The first Carmichael number is $ 561$ , and it is a theorem that there are infinitely many such numbers ([#!carmichael!#]).

Example 2.4   Is $ p=323$ prime? We compute $ 2^{322}\pmod{323}$ . Making a table as above, we have
    $ i$              $ m$               $ \varepsilon _i$              $ 2^{2^i}$ mod 323
0 322 0 2
1 161 1 4
2 80 0 16
3 40 0 256
4 20 0 290
5 10 0 120
6 5 1 188
7 2 0 137
8 1 1 35

$\displaystyle 2^{322} \equiv 4\cdot 188\cdot 35 \equiv 157\pmod{323},$

so $ 323$ is not prime, though this computation gives no information about how $ 323$ factors as a product of primes. In fact, one finds that $ 323 = 17\cdot 19$ .

SAGE Example 2.4   It's possible to easily prove that a large number is composite, but the proof does not easily yield a factorization. For example if

$\displaystyle n = 95468093486093450983409583409850934850938459083,

then $ 2^{n-1}\not\equiv 1\pmod{n}$ , so $ n$ is composite.
sage: n = 95468093486093450983409583409850934850938459083
sage: Mod(2,n)^(n-1)
Note that factoring $ n$ actually takes much longer than the above computation (which was essentially instant).
sage: factor(n)                # takes up to a few seconds.
1610302526747 * 59285812386415488446397191791023889

Another practical primality test is the Miller-Rabin test, which has the property that each time it is run on a number $ n$ it either correctly asserts that the number is definitely not prime, or that it is probably prime, and the probability of correctness goes up with each successive call. If Miller-Rabin is called $ m$ times on $ n$ and in each case claims that $ n$ is probably prime, then one can in a precise sense bound the probability that $ n$ is composite in terms of $ m$ .

We state the Miller-Rabin algorithm precisely, but do not prove anything about the probability that it will succeed.

Algorithm 2.4 (Miller-Rabin Primality Test)   Given an integer $ n\geq 5$ this algorithm outputs either true or false. If it outputs true, then $ n$ is ``probably prime'', and if it outputs false, then $ n$ is definitely composite.
  1. [Split Off Power of $ 2$ ] Compute the unique integers $ m$ and $ k$ such that $ m$ is odd and $ n-1=2^k \cdot m $ .
  2. [Random Base] Choose a random integer $ a$ with $ 1<a<n$ .
  3. [Odd Power] Set $ b=a^m\pmod{n}$ . If $ b\equiv \pm 1\pmod{n}$ output true and terminate.
  4. [Even Powers] If $ b^{2^r}\equiv -1 \pmod{n}$ for any $ r$ with $ 1\leq r\leq k-1$ , output true and terminate. Otherwise output false.

If Miller-Rabin outputs true for $ n$ , we can call it again with $ n$ and if it again outputs true then the probability that $ n$ is prime increases.

Proof. We will prove that the algorithm is correct, but will prove nothing about how likely the algorithm is to assert that a composite is prime. We must prove that if the algorithm pronounces an integer $ n$ composite, then $ n$ really is composite. Thus suppose $ n$ is prime, yet the algorithm pronounces $ n$ composite. Then $ a^m\not\equiv \pm 1\pmod{n}$ , and for all $ r$ with $ 1\leq r\leq k-1$ we have $ a^{2^r m} \not \equiv -1\pmod{n}$ . Since $ n$ is prime and $ 2^{k-1}m = (n-1)/2$ , Proposition 4.2.1 implies that $ a^{2^{k-1}m}\equiv \pm 1\pmod{n}$ , so by our hypothesis $ a^{2^{k-1}m}\equiv 1\pmod{n}$ . But then $ (a^{2^{k-2}m})^2 \equiv 1\pmod{n}$ , so by Proposition 2.5.3 (which is proved below, and whose proof does not depend on this argument), we have $ a^{2^{k-2}m}\equiv \pm 1\pmod{n}$ . Again, by our hypothesis, this implies $ a^{2^{k-2}}\equiv 1\pmod{n}$ . Repeating this argument inductively we see that $ a^m\equiv \pm 1\pmod{n}$ , which contradicts our hypothesis on $ a$ . $ \qedsymbol$

Until recently it was an open problem to give an algorithm (with proof) that decides whether or not any integer is prime in time bounded by a polynomial in the number of digits of the integer. Agrawal, Kayal, and Saxena recently found the first polynomial-time primality test (see [#!agrawal:primes!#]). We will not discuss their algorithm further, because for our applications to cryptography Miller-Rabin or pseudoprimality tests will be sufficient.

SAGE Example 2.4   The SAGE command is_prime uses a combination of techniques to determines (provably correctly!) whether or not an integer is prime.
sage: is_prime(95468093486093450983409583409850934850938459083)
We use the is_prime function to make a small table of the first few Mersenne primes (see Section 1.2.3).
sage: for p in primes(100):
...   if is_prime(2^p - 1):
...       print p, 2^p - 1
2 3
3 7
5 31
7 127
13 8191
17 131071
19 524287
31 2147483647
61 2305843009213693951
89 618970019642690137449562111
There is a specialized tests for primality of Mersenne numbers called the Lucas-Lehmer test. This remarkably simple algorithm determines provably correctly whether or not a number $ 2^p-1$ is prime. We implement it in a few lines of code and use the Lucas-Lehmer test to check for primality of two Mersenne numbers:
sage: def is_prime_lucas_lehmer(p):
...    s = Mod(4, 2^p - 1)
...    for i in range(3, p+1): 
...        s = s^2 - 2
...    return s == 0
sage: is_prime_lucas_lehmer(next_prime(1000))
sage: is_prime_lucas_lehmer(9941)
For more on searching for Mersenne primes, see the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search (GIMPS) project at

William 2007-06-01