581g: Project Ideas
Read about how to make a moduli space of elliptic curves. Once you understand the above two page paper, write something up that you think would make it easier for somebody who just took Math 581g to understand.
(William did this) Trac 11997: fix a mistake in the docstring for lift_to_sl2z (etc.) -- you could do more, e.g., extend the lift code to work for input larger than
Trac 12001: Performance of dimension of cusp forms for Gamma(N) is insanely slow
(Simon Spicer is doing this) Define
-adic modular forms in the sense of Serre and/or Katz.
Implement code in Sage to go from a pair
, where
is some level
structure (e.g., a point of order
) to a point in the upper half plane.