- Introduce myself (2 minutes)
- Students quickly introduce themselves (10 minutes at most)
- Seminars (3 minutes):
Number theory seminar -- Tuesdays at 4pm, see http://wiki.wstein.org/ntuw (1 minute)
- Computational number theory and cryptography seminar -- probably Wednesday at 4pm, every other week (1 minute)
Sage seminar -- probably Monday at 5pm, see http://wiki.sagemath.org/sage-uw (1 minute)
- Handout syllabus and schedule, and go over it (10 minutes)
- Handout homework 1 (2 minutes)
- Course website / wiki / mailing list (5 minutes)
What is algebraic number theory (10 minutes)
- Start fundamental theorem of abelian groups and Hermite normal form (8 minutes)