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Homework number 4 - Due Friday, October 26, 2007



\Large\bf Homework 4 for Math 581F\\
Due FRIDAY October 26, 2007

Each problem has equal weight, and parts of problems are worth the
same amount as each other.


\item Find by hand  and with proof 
the ring of integers of each of the following two fields: 
$\Q(\sqrt{5})$, $\Q(i)$.  
\item Find the ring of integers of $\Q(x^5+7x+1)$ using a computer. 

\item Let $\O_K$ be the ring of integers of a number field $K$,
and let $p\in\Z$ be a prime number.  What is the cardinality
of $\O_K/(p)$ in terms of $p$ and $[K:\Q]$, 
where $(p)$ is the ideal of $\O_K$ generated by~$p$?

\item Explicitly factor the ideals generated by each of $2$, $3$, and
  $13$ in the ring of integers of $\Q(\sqrt[3]{2})$.  (Thus you'll
  factor three separate integral ideals as products of prime ideals.)
  You may assume that the ring of integers of $\Q(\sqrt[3]{2})$ is
  $\Z[\sqrt[3]{2}]$, but do {\em not} simply use a computer command to
  do the factorizations.

Let $K=\Q(\zeta_{13})$,where $\zeta_{13}$ is a primitive
$13$th root of unity.  Note that~$K$ has ring of integers $\O_K=\Z[\zeta_{13}]$.
\item Factor $2$, $3$, $5$, $7$, $11$, and $13$ in the ring 
of integers $\O_K$.  You may use a computer.  
\item For $p\neq 13$, find a conjectural 
relationship between the number of prime ideal factors of $p\O_K$
and the order of the reduction of~$p$  in $(\Z/13\Z)^*$.
\item Compute the minimal polynomial $f(x)\in\Z[x]$ of $\zeta_{13}$.
Reinterpret your conjecture as a conjecture that
relates the degrees of the irreducible factors of $f(x)\pmod{p}$ to 
the order of $p$ modulo~$13$.  Does your conjecture 
remind you of quadratic reciprocity?

\item Let $p$ be a prime.  Let $\O_K$ be the ring of integers of a
  number field~$K$, and suppose $a\in \O_K$ is such that
  $[\O_K:\Z[a]]$ is finite and coprime to~$p$.  Let $f(x)$ be the
  minimal polynomial of~$a$.  We proved in class 
that if the reduction $\overline{f}\in\F_p[x]$ of $f$ factors
 \overline{f} = \prod g_i^{e_i},
where the $g_i$ are distinct irreducible polynomials in $\F_p[x]$, then the primes appearing
in the factorization of $p\O_K$ are the ideals $(p,g_i(a))$.
In class, we did not prove that the exponents of these primes in the factorization
of $p\O_K$ are the $e_i$.  Prove this.

\item Give an example of a cubic {\em Galois} extension $K$ of $\QQ$.  Use
Sage to factor each prime $p<100$ (or more) in $\O_K$ and record
the number of prime factors of each $p$.
\item Give an example of a cubic {\em non-Galois} extension $K$ of $\QQ$.  Use
Sage to factor each prime $p<100$ (or more) in $\O_K$ and record
the number of prime factors of each $p$.
\item Come up with a more refined conjecture about the proportion
of primes $p$ for which the number of prime factors is $1$, $2$
or $3$ in each of the above two cases. 



2013-05-11 18:33