Math 480 -- 2008-04-18: Prime and Factorization system:sage
<h1>Prime Numbers</h1>
A <b>prime number</b> is a positive integer divisible by only itself and 1.
id=8| for n in [1..20]: print '%-4s%-7s'%(n, is_prime(n)) /// 1 False 2 True 3 True 4 False 5 True 6 False 7 True 8 False 9 False 10 False 11 True 12 False 13 True 14 False 15 False 16 False 17 True 18 False 19 True 20 False
id=10| @interact def pr(max=(10..1000)): v = prime_range(max) print v show(points([(x,0) for x in v], pointsize=10), xmin=0, ymin=-0.1, ymax=0.1, figsize=[10,2]) /// <html><div padding=6 id='div-interact-10'> <table width=800px height=400px bgcolor='#c5c5c5' cellpadding=15><tr><td bgcolor='#f9f9f9' valign=top align=left><table><tr><td align=right><font color="black">max </font></td><td><div id='slider-max-10' class='ui-slider-1' style='padding:0px;margin:0px;'><span class='ui-slider-handle'></span></div><script>setTimeout(function() { $('#slider-max-10').slider({ stepping: 1, minValue: 0, maxValue: 990, startValue: 0, change: function () { var position = Math.ceil($('#slider-max-10').slider('value')); interact(10, "sage.server.notebook.interact.update(10, \"max\", 68, sage.server.notebook.interact.standard_b64decode(\""+encode64(position)+"\"), globals())"); } });}, 1);</script></td></tr> </table><div id='cell-interact-10'><?__SAGE__START> <table border=0 bgcolor='#white' width=100% height=100%> <tr><td bgcolor=white align=left valign=top><pre><?__SAGE__TEXT></pre></td></tr> <tr><td align=left valign=top><?__SAGE__HTML></td></tr> </table><?__SAGE__END></div></td> </tr></table></div> </html>
Finding the next prime after a given prime is quite fast
id=11| time next_prime(10^100, proof=False) /// 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000267 CPU time: 0.01 s, Wall time: 0.01 s
id=12| time next_prime(10^100, proof=True) /// 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000267 CPU time: 0.28 s, Wall time: 0.33 s
id=14| # Let's make a ``personal prime'' time next_prime(101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010) /// 101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101039 Time: CPU 0.02 s, Wall: 0.02 s
<br><br>By the way, it was an open problem for a very long time to give a deterministic polynomial time algorithm for primality. This was done a few years ago finally. See <a href=""></a>.
<br><br>This is not a function in Sage though, since there are <i>better in practice</i> nondeterministic primality tests, especially for numbers that aren't too big.
<br><br>The distribution of prime numbers is a problem that has fascinated people for a very long time.
<br><br>But what the heck does <i>distribution</i> mean?! There are many possible interpretations.
<br><br>One way to measure the distribution is to simply count the primes up to : $$
- \pi(x) = \#\{\text{primes } p : p \leq x\}.
id=17| @interact def primecount(m=(1..1000)): n = 100*m print "Primes up to %s"%n show(plot(prime_pi, 1, n), xmin=0) /// <html><div padding=6 id='div-interact-17'> <table width=800px height=400px bgcolor='#c5c5c5' cellpadding=15><tr><td bgcolor='#f9f9f9' valign=top align=left><table><tr><td align=right><font color="black">m </font></td><td><div id='slider-m-17' class='ui-slider-1' style='padding:0px;margin:0px;'><span class='ui-slider-handle'></span></div><script>setTimeout(function() { $('#slider-m-17').slider({ stepping: 1, minValue: 0, maxValue: 999, startValue: 0, change: function () { var position = Math.ceil($('#slider-m-17').slider('value')); interact(17, "sage.server.notebook.interact.update(17, \"m\", 69, sage.server.notebook.interact.standard_b64decode(\""+encode64(position)+"\"), globals())"); } });}, 1);</script></td></tr> </table><div id='cell-interact-17'><?__SAGE__START> <table border=0 bgcolor='#white' width=100% height=100%> <tr><td bgcolor=white align=left valign=top><pre><?__SAGE__TEXT></pre></td></tr> <tr><td align=left valign=top><?__SAGE__HTML></td></tr> </table><?__SAGE__END></div></td> </tr></table></div> </html>
<br><br> That curve above looks pretty smooth. It's natural to wonder what it is. Maybe it's just really complicated since there isn't a known easy way to find primes?!
<br><br> In fact, there is a <b>one hundred thousand dollar (100,000)</b> cash prize for finding a prime with at least ten million (10,000,000) decimal digits. See <a href=""></a>. (Note: a 50,000 dollar award was given in 2000 for a million digit prime.)
<br><br> Surprisingly $$
- \pi(x) \sim x/\log(x)
id=21| @interact def primecount(m=(1..1000)): n = 100*m; var('x') print "Primes up to %s"%n show(plot(prime_pi, 2, n) + plot(x/log(x), 4, n, color='red') , xmin=0, figsize=[9,3]) /// <html><div padding=6 id='div-interact-21'> <table width=800px height=400px bgcolor='#c5c5c5' cellpadding=15><tr><td bgcolor='#f9f9f9' valign=top align=left><table><tr><td align=right><font color="black">m </font></td><td><div id='slider-m-21' class='ui-slider-1' style='padding:0px;margin:0px;'><span class='ui-slider-handle'></span></div><script>setTimeout(function() { $('#slider-m-21').slider({ stepping: 1, minValue: 0, maxValue: 999, startValue: 0, change: function () { var position = Math.ceil($('#slider-m-21').slider('value')); interact(21, "sage.server.notebook.interact.update(21, \"m\", 70, sage.server.notebook.interact.standard_b64decode(\""+encode64(position)+"\"), globals())"); } });}, 1);</script></td></tr> </table><div id='cell-interact-21'><?__SAGE__START> <table border=0 bgcolor='#white' width=100% height=100%> <tr><td bgcolor=white align=left valign=top><pre><?__SAGE__TEXT></pre></td></tr> <tr><td align=left valign=top><?__SAGE__HTML></td></tr> </table><?__SAGE__END></div></td> </tr></table></div> </html>
<br><br> In fact it is a <b>theorem</b> (the prime number theorem) that $$
- \lim_{x\to\infty} \pi(x) / (x/\log(x)) = 1.
<br><br> Actually isn't <i>that</i> good, though it looks superb in the picture above...
id=28| prime_pi(10^7) /// 664579
id=29| float(10^7/log(10^7)) /// 620420.68843321688
<br><br> Let $$
- \text{Li}(x) = \int_{2}^x \frac{1}{\log(t)} dt
$$ This is just the area under the curve of the graph of , which is somehow a more precise way of <i>counting</i>.
id=35| @interact def primecount(m=(1..1000)): n = 100*m; var('x') print "Primes up to %s"%n show(plot(prime_pi, 2, n) + plot(Li, 4, n, color='red') , xmin=0, figsize=[9,3]) /// <html><div padding=6 id='div-interact-35'> <table width=800px height=400px bgcolor='#c5c5c5' cellpadding=15><tr><td bgcolor='#f9f9f9' valign=top align=left><table><tr><td align=right><font color="black">m </font></td><td><div id='slider-m-35' class='ui-slider-1' style='padding:0px;margin:0px;'><span class='ui-slider-handle'></span></div><script>setTimeout(function() { $('#slider-m-35').slider({ stepping: 1, minValue: 0, maxValue: 999, startValue: 0, change: function () { var position = Math.ceil($('#slider-m-35').slider('value')); interact(35, "sage.server.notebook.interact.update(35, \"m\", 71, sage.server.notebook.interact.standard_b64decode(\""+encode64(position)+"\"), globals())"); } });}, 1);</script></td></tr> </table><div id='cell-interact-35'><?__SAGE__START> <table border=0 bgcolor='#white' width=100% height=100%> <tr><td bgcolor=white align=left valign=top><pre><?__SAGE__TEXT></pre></td></tr> <tr><td align=left valign=top><?__SAGE__HTML></td></tr> </table><?__SAGE__END></div></td> </tr></table></div> </html>
<br><br> This is <i>really good!</i>
id=34| prime_pi(10^7) /// 664579
id=33| Li(10^7) /// 664917.35989
<br><br> It is a <b>conjecture</b> (the <i>Riemann Hypothesis</i>!) that for all , we have $$
- |\pi(x) - \text{Li}(x)| \leq \sqrt{x}\cdot \log(x).
$$ That is <i>square root accurate</i>, which is amazingly good.
<br><br> Oh, by the way, you get a million dollars if you can prove the above inequality... <a href=""></a>
id=39| ///
id=38| ///
<br><br> <b>THEOREM:</b> Every positive integer can be written uniquely as product of primes. Proof: Surprisingly not trivial. Basically use the Euclidean algorithm to prove a special divisibility property, namely "if divides
, then
divides a or
". The rest is straightforward.
id=42| import random def ftree(rows, v, i, F): if len(v) > 0: # add a row to g at the ith level. rows.append(v) w = [] for i in range(len(v)): k, _, _ = v[i] if k is None or is_prime(k): w.append((None,None,None)) else: d = random.choice(divisors(k)[1:-1]) w.append((d,k,i)) e = k//d if e == 1: w.append((None,None)) else: w.append((e,k,i)) if len(w) > len(v): ftree(rows, w, i+1, F) def draw_ftree(rows,font): g = Graphics() for i in range(len(rows)): cur = rows[i] for j in range(len(cur)): e, f, k = cur[j] if not e is None: if is_prime(e): c = (1,0,0) else: c = (0,0,.4) g += text(str(e), (j*2-len(cur),-i), fontsize=font, rgbcolor=c) if not k is None and not f is None: g += line([(j*2-len(cur),-i), ((k*2)-len(rows[i-1]),-i+1)], alpha=0.5) return g @interact def factor_tree(n=100, font=(10, (8..20)), redraw=['Redraw']): n = Integer(n) rows = [] v = [(n,None,0)] ftree(rows, v, 0, factor(n)) show(draw_ftree(rows, font), axes=False) /// <html><div padding=6 id='div-interact-42'> <table width=800px height=400px bgcolor='#c5c5c5' cellpadding=15><tr><td bgcolor='#f9f9f9' valign=top align=left><table><tr><td align=right><font color="black">n </font></td><td><input type='text' value='100' width=200px onchange='interact(42, "sage.server.notebook.interact.update(42, \"n\", 72, sage.server.notebook.interact.standard_b64decode(\""+encode64(this.value)+"\"), globals())")'></input></td></tr> <tr><td align=right><font color="black">font </font></td><td><div id='slider-font-42' class='ui-slider-1' style='padding:0px;margin:0px;'><span class='ui-slider-handle'></span></div><script>setTimeout(function() { $('#slider-font-42').slider({ stepping: 1, minValue: 0, maxValue: 12, startValue: 2, change: function () { var position = Math.ceil($('#slider-font-42').slider('value')); interact(42, "sage.server.notebook.interact.update(42, \"font\", 73, sage.server.notebook.interact.standard_b64decode(\""+encode64(position)+"\"), globals())"); } });}, 1);</script></td></tr> <tr><td align=right><font color="black">redraw </font></td><td><table style="border:1px solid #dfdfdf;background-color:#efefef"> <tr><td><button style='' value='0' onclick='interact(42, "sage.server.notebook.interact.update(42, \"redraw\", 74, sage.server.notebook.interact.standard_b64decode(\""+encode64(this.value)+"\"), globals())")'>Redraw</button> </td></tr></table></td></tr> </table><div id='cell-interact-42'><?__SAGE__START> <table border=0 bgcolor='#white' width=100% height=100%> <tr><td bgcolor=white align=left valign=top><pre><?__SAGE__TEXT></pre></td></tr> <tr><td align=left valign=top><?__SAGE__HTML></td></tr> </table><?__SAGE__END></div></td> </tr></table></div> </html>
id=44| ///
id=48| n = next_prime(10^28) * next_prime(10^29) ///
id=45| time factor(n) /// 10000000000000000000000000331 * 100000000000000000000000000319 CPU time: 10.84 s, Wall time: 11.67 s
Integer factorization in Sage:
<li> The <tt>factor</tt> command. This calls PARI's factor command, which implements the standard modern factoring algorithms including the elliptic curve method and the quadratic sieve. <li> The <tt>qsieve</tt> command. This calls Sage's (Bill Hart's) quadratic sieve implementation of the quadratic sieve. The sieve reduces factoring to an linear algebra problem. This implementation is better than the one in PARI. <li> The <tt>ecm</tt> command. This calls Sage's GMP-ECM (Paul Zimmerman), which is better than the ECM implementation in PARI.
<br><br> The Sage factor command never calls qsieve or ecm. It should. Fixing this would be a <i>superb student project</i>.
id=47| time qsieve(n) /// ([10000000000000000000000000331, 100000000000000000000000000319], '') CPU time: 0.01 s, Wall time: 6.83 s
id=43| n = next_prime(10^14) * next_prime(10^50) ///
id=40| time factor(n) /// 100000000000031 * 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000151 CPU time: 3.81 s, Wall time: 3.95 s
id=50| time ecm.factor(n) /// [100000000000031, 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000151] CPU time: 0.01 s, Wall time: 0.45 s
<br><br> Parallel computation is extremely relevant fast integer factorization, though it's not used at all above. See the <tt>DistributedFactor</tt> command in Sage...
id=53| ///
id=51| ///
id=52| ///
id=49| ///