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Math 480 Lecture 8

  1. Reminder that you should hand in homework (remark from Simon)
  2. Handout new homework (assignment 3) and briefly discuss it
  3. Today: Resources for figuring out how to solve problems using Sage:

    1. search_doc in Sage: search through the docstrings of all functions in Sage
    2. search_src in Sage: search the source code of the sage library
    3. Google! (especially "site:"): I don't know how to teach this, but can demonstrate skills and explain my thinking process.
    4. Python cookbook: http://code.activestate.com/recipes/langs/python/

    5. Python documentation; tutorial and reference manual
    6. Cython documentation
    7. Numpy documentation
    8. Matlab documentation
    9. Question/answer site: http://ask.sagemath.org

    10. Stackoverflow: http://stackoverflow.com/ (lots of QA about Python, Cython, and even Sage there).

    11. sage-support: http://groups.google.com/group/sage-support

    12. Live chat: irc (and how easy it is to get on via java): http://sagemath.org/help-irc.html

    13. CAS's in Sage: GAP, Singular, PARI, Maxima

2013-05-11 18:32