This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (Web2C 7.4.5) (format=latex 2004.2.16) 29 MAR 2004 10:40 **tan2 (./tan2.tex LaTeX2e <2001/06/01> Babel and hyphenation patterns for american, french, german, ngerman, b asque, italian, portuges, russian, spanish, nohyphenation, loaded. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/base/article.cls Document Class: article 2001/04/21 v1.4e Standard LaTeX document class (/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/base/size10.clo File: size10.clo 2001/04/21 v1.4e Standard LaTeX file (size option) ) \c@part=\count79 \c@section=\count80 \c@subsection=\count81 \c@subsubsection=\count82 \c@paragraph=\count83 \c@subparagraph=\count84 \c@figure=\count85 \c@table=\count86 \abovecaptionskip=\skip41 \belowcaptionskip=\skip42 \bibindent=\dimen102 ) (/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/amsmath/amsmath.sty Package: amsmath 2000/07/18 v2.13 AMS math features \@mathmargin=\skip43 For additional information on amsmath, use the `?' option. (/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/amsmath/amstext.sty Package: amstext 2000/06/29 v2.01 (/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/amsmath/amsgen.sty File: amsgen.sty 1999/11/30 v2.0 \@emptytoks=\toks14 \ex@=\dimen103 )) (/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/amsmath/amsbsy.sty Package: amsbsy 1999/11/29 v1.2d \pmbraise@=\dimen104 ) (/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/amsmath/amsopn.sty Package: amsopn 1999/12/14 v2.01 operator names ) \inf@bad=\count87 LaTeX Info: Redefining \frac on input line 211. \uproot@=\count88 \leftroot@=\count89 LaTeX Info: Redefining \overline on input line 307. \classnum@=\count90 \DOTSCASE@=\count91 LaTeX Info: Redefining \ldots on input line 379. LaTeX Info: Redefining \dots on input line 382. LaTeX Info: Redefining \cdots on input line 467. \Mathstrutbox@=\box26 \strutbox@=\box27 \big@size=\dimen105 LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring font encoding OML on input line 567. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring font encoding OMS on input line 568. \macc@depth=\count92 \c@MaxMatrixCols=\count93 \dotsspace@=\muskip10 \c@parentequation=\count94 \dspbrk@lvl=\count95 \tag@help=\toks15 \row@=\count96 \column@=\count97 \maxfields@=\count98 \andhelp@=\toks16 \eqnshift@=\dimen106 \alignsep@=\dimen107 \tagshift@=\dimen108 \tagwidth@=\dimen109 \totwidth@=\dimen110 \lineht@=\dimen111 \@envbody=\toks17 \multlinegap=\skip44 \multlinetaggap=\skip45 \mathdisplay@stack=\toks18 LaTeX Info: Redefining \[ on input line 2666. LaTeX Info: Redefining \] on input line 2667. ) (/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/preprint/fullpage.sty Package: fullpage 1999/02/23 1.1 (PWD) \FP@margin=\skip46 ) (/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/pstricks/pstricks.sty Package: pstricks 1997/03/25 package wrapper for PSTricks pstricks.tex (/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/pstricks/pstricks.tex `PSTricks' v97 patch 14 <1999/12/23> (tvz) \pst@dima=\dimen112 \pst@dimb=\dimen113 \pst@dimc=\dimen114 \pst@dimd=\dimen115 \pst@dimg=\dimen116 \pst@dimh=\dimen117 \pst@hbox=\box28 \pst@boxg=\box29 \pst@cnta=\count99 \pst@cntb=\count100 \pst@cntc=\count101 \pst@cntd=\count102 \pst@cntg=\count103 \pst@cnth=\count104 \pst@toks=\toks19 (/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/pstricks/pstricks.con) \psunit=\dimen118 \psxunit=\dimen119 \psyunit=\dimen120 \pslinewidth=\dimen121 \pst@customdefs=\toks20 \pslinearc=\dimen122 \everypsbox=\toks21 \psframesep=\dimen123 \pslabelsep=\dimen124 \theoverlaybox=\box30 )) (./tan2.aux) \openout1 = `tan2.aux'. LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OML/cmm/m/it on input line 7. LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 7. LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for T1/cmr/m/n on input line 7. LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 7. LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OT1/cmr/m/n on input line 7. LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 7. LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OMS/cmsy/m/n on input line 7. LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 7. LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OMX/cmex/m/n on input line 7. LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 7. LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for U/cmr/m/n on input line 7. LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 7. [1 ] (./tan2.aux) ) Here is how much of TeX's memory you used: 1631 strings out of 95796 17781 string characters out of 1191756 74550 words of memory out of 1000001 4623 multiletter control sequences out of 10000+50000 4094 words of font info for 16 fonts, out of 500000 for 1000 26 hyphenation exceptions out of 1000 27i,4n,20p,2157b,175s stack positions out of 3000i,1500n,5000p,200000b,15000s Output written on tan2.dvi (1 page, 5832 bytes).