The two examples computed in Section 6 show that for an abelian subvariety
an invisible element of
at the base level
might become visible
at a multiple level
. We state a general conjecture according to which any element of
should have such a property.
theorem_type[conjecture][theorem][][plain][][] Let tex2html_wrap_inline$h = 0$ or tex2html_wrap_inline$1$. Suppose that tex2html_wrap_inline$A$ is an abelian subvariety of tex2html_wrap_inline$J_h(N)$ and tex2html_wrap_inline$c&isin#in;OT2wncyrmnSh(Q, A)$. Then there is a positive integer tex2html_wrap_inline$M$, and a homomorphism of abelian varieties tex2html_wrap_inline$&iota#iota;:A &rarr#to;J_h(NM)$ of finite degree coprime to the order of tex2html_wrap_inline$c$ such that tex2html_wrap_inline$&iota#iota;_*c=0$.
William Stein 2006-06-21