We will now prove the structure theorem for finitely generated abelian
groups, since it will be crucial for much of what we will do later.
denote the ring of integers, and
for each positive integer
denote the ring of integers
, which is a cyclic abelian group of order
Definition 3.0.1 (Finitely Generated)
A group

if there exists

such that every element of

can be obtained from the

We will prove the theorem as follows. We first remark that any
subgroup of a finitely generated free abelian group is finitely
generated. Then we see that finitely generated abelian groups can be
presented as quotients of finite rank free abelian groups, and such a
presentation can be reinterpreted in terms of matrices over the
integers. Next we describe how to use row and column operations over
the integers to show that every matrix over the integers is equivalent
to one in a canonical diagonal form, called the Smith normal form. We
obtain a proof of the theorem by reinterpreting in
terms of groups.
Proposition 3.0.3
is a free abelian group of finite rank
, and
is a
subgroup of
. Then
is a free abelian group generated by at
The key reason that this is true is that
is a finitely generated
module over the principal ideal domain
. We will give a complete
proof of a beautiful generalization of this result in the context of
Noetherian rings next time, but will not prove this proposition here.
Corollary 3.0.4
is a finitely generated abelian group. Then there are
finitely generated free abelian groups
such that

be generators for

. Let

and let

be the map that sends the

th generator



. Then

a surjective homomorphism, and by Proposition
3.0.4 the


is a finitely generated free abelian group.
This proves the corollary.
is a nonzero finitely generated abelian group. By the
corollary, there are free abelian groups
such that
. Choosing a basis for
, we obtain an
, for some positive integer
. By
Proposition 3.0.4,
, for some integer
, and the inclusion map
induces a map
. This homomorphism is left
multiplication by the
whose columns are the
images of the generators of
. The of
this homomorphism is the quotient of
by the image of
, and the
cokernel is isomorphic to
. By augmenting
with zero columns on
the right we obtain a square
with the same
cokernel. The following proposition implies that we may choose bases
such that the matrix
is diagonal, and then the structure of
the cokernel of
will be easy to understand.
We will see in the proof of Theorem 3.0.3 that
is uniquely determined by
The matrix

will be a product of matrices that define elementary
row operations and

will be a product corresponding to elementary
column operations. The elementary operations are:
- Add an integer multiple of one row to another (or a multiple
of one column to another).
- Interchange two rows or two columns.
- Multiply a row by
Each of these operations is given by left or right multiplying by an
invertible matrix

with integer entries, where

is the result of
applying the given operation to the identity matrix, and

invertible because each operation can be reversed using another row or
column operation over the integers.
To see that the proposition must be true, assume
and perform
the following steps (compare [Art91, pg. 459]):
- By permuting rows and columns, move a nonzero entry of
smallest absolute value to the upper left corner of
. Now attempt
to make all other entries in the first row and column 0 by adding
multiples of row or column 1 to other rows (see step 2 below). If an
operation produces a nonzero entry in the matrix with absolute value
smaller than
, start the process over by permuting rows and
columns to move that entry to the upper left corner of
. Since the
are a decreasing sequence of positive integers, we
will not have to move an entry to the upper left corner infinitely
- Suppose
is a nonzero entry in the first column, with
. Using the division algorithm, write
. Now add
times the first row to the
th row. If
, then go to step 1 (so that an entry with
absolute value at most
is the upper left corner). Since we will
only perform step 1 finitely many times, we may assume
Repeating this procedure we set all entries in the first column
) to 0. A similar process using column operations
sets each entry in the first row (except
) to 0.
- We may now assume that
is the only nonzero entry in the
first row and column. If some entry
is not divisible
, add the column of
to the first
column, thus producing an entry in the first column that is nonzero.
When we perform step 2, the remainder
will be greater than 0.
Permuting rows and columns results in a smaller
. Since
can only shrink finitely many times, eventually we will get
to a point where every
is divisible by
. If
is negative, multiple the first row by
After performing the above operations, the first row and column

are zero except for

which is positive and divides
all other entries of

. We repeat the above steps for the

obtained from

by deleting the first row and column.
The upper left entry of the resulting matrix will be divisible by

, since every entry of

is. Repeating the argument
inductively proves the proposition.
Example 3.0.6
The matrix

is equivalent

and the matrix

is equivalent to

Note that the determinants match, up to sign.

is a finitely generated abelian group, which we may assume
is nonzero. As in the paragraph before Proposition
we use Corollary
3.0.5 to write

as a the cokernel
of an

integer matrix

. By Proposition
there are isomorphisms


such that

is a diagonal matrix with entries

, where


. Then

is isomorphic to the cokernel of the diagonal matrix

, so
(3.1) |
as claimed. The

are determined by

, because

is the
smallest positive integer

such that

requires at most

generators (we see from the representation (
3.0.1) of

a product that

has this property and that no smaller positive
integer does).
William Stein