The quotient of the
extended upper half plane by the congruence subgroup
is the modular curve
. Its
is an abelian variety that is
canonically defined over
. Likewise, one
defines a modular abelian variety
associated to
A modular abelian variety is an abelian variety overthat is a quotient of
for some
The biggest recent theorem in number theory is the proof of Serre’s conjecture by Khare and Wintenberger. According to an argument of Ribet and Serre, this implies the following modularity theorem, which generalizes the modularity theorem that Taylor-Wiles proved in the course of proving Fermat’s Last Theorem.
One of my longterm research goals is to develop a systematic theory for computing with modular abelian varieties. A good start is the observation using the Abel-Jacobi theorem that every modular abelian variety (up to isomorphism) can be specified by giving a lattice in a space of modular symbols.
We define some modular abelian varieties of level , and
compute some basic invariants.
sage: D = J0(39).decomposition(); D
Simple abelian subvariety 39a(1,39) of dimension 1 of J0(39),
Simple abelian subvariety 39b(1,39) of dimension 2 of J0(39)
sage: D[1].lattice()
Free module of degree 6 and rank 4 over Integer Ring
Echelon basis matrix:
[ 1 0 0 1 -1 0]
[ 0 1 1 0 -1 0]
[ 0 0 2 0 -1 0]
[ 0 0 0 0 0 1]
sage: G = D[1].rational_torsion_subgroup(); G
Torsion subgroup of Simple abelian subvariety 39b(1,39)
of dimension 2 of J0(39)
sage: G.order()
sage: G.gens()
[[(1/14, 2/7, 0, 1/14, -3/14, 1/7)], [(0, 1, 0, 0, -1/2, 0)],
[(0, 0, 1, 0, -1/2, 0)]]
sage: B, phi = D[1]/G
sage: B
Abelian variety factor of dimension 2 of J0(39)
sage: phi.kernel()
(Finite subgroup with invariants [2, 14] ...
There is an algorithm in Sage for computing the exact endomorphism ring of any modular abelian variety.
sage: A = J0(91)[2]; A
Simple abelian subvariety 91c(1,91) of dimension 2 of J0(91)
sage: R = End(A); R
Endomorphism ring of Simple abelian subvariety 91c(1,91)
of dimension 2 of J0(91)
sage: for x in R.gens(): print x.matrix(),'\n'
[1 0 0 0]
[0 1 0 0]
[0 0 1 0]
[0 0 0 1]
[ 0 4 -2 0]
[-1 5 -2 1]
[-1 2 0 2]
[-1 1 0 3]
It is also possible to test isomorphism of two modular abelian varieties. But much exciting theoretical and computational work remains to be done.