Math 20B: Winter 2006

Calculus for Scientists and Engineers

William Stein

The main course website has most of the information about this course. This page has extra information relevant to the 4pm lecture.

Virtual Office Hours See all the email I send to students here.
Often solutions are posted here!
Notes/MP3's I type my notes and record mp3's of some lectures. Here is an HTML version of the notes so far.
Lecture MWF 4-4:50pm in Pepper Canyon 106
Email [email protected]
Office APM 5111
Office Hours Tuesday 11-1
The TA Dan's Office Hours Tuesday 2-4pm, Wednesday 1-3pm in APM Basement 301
Solutions to problems in the supplement Supplement.pdf (by Dan Budreau)
What's the deal with exp(-x^2)? Impossibility theorems for elementary integration by Brian Conrad [pdf]
Mathematica Integrator Compute integrals online