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  1. (Jenna)
    1. Prove that the additive group of rational number $ ({\mathbb{Q}},+)$ is not finitely generated.
    2. Prove that the multiplicative group of nonzero ratoinal numbers $ ({\mathbb{Q}}^*,*)$ is not finitely generated.
    3. Prove that the group of real point $ E({\mathbb{R}})$ on an elliptic curve is not finitely generated.

  2. (Jeff) Let $ p$ be a prime and let $ C_p$ be the curve $ y^2=x^3+px$.
    1. Prove that the rank of $ C_p({\mathbb{Q}})$ is either 0, $ 1$, or $ 2$.
    2. If $ p\equiv 7 \pmod{16}$, prove that $ C_p$ has rank 0.
    3. If $ p\equiv 3\pmod{16}$, prove that $ C_p$ has rank either 0 or $ 1$. (Can the rank ever be 0?)

  3. (Mauro/Alex) Using the method developed in Section III.6 of [Silverman-Tate], find the rank of each of the following curves. Check your answers with the output from MAGMA and/or mwrank.
    1. (Mauro) $ y^2 = x^3 + 3x$
    2. (Alex) $ y^2 = x^3 + 5x$
    3. (Mauro) $ y^2 = x^3 + 73x$
    4. (Alex) $ y^2 = x^3 + 7x$

  4. (Jennifer) Let $ p\geq 3$ be a prime, and let $ m\geq 1$ be an integer which is relatively prime to $ p-1$.
    1. Prove that the map $ x\mapsto x^m$ is an isomorphism form $ {\mathbb{F}}_p^*$ to itself.
    2. Prove that the equation

      $\displaystyle x^m + y^m + z^m = 0

      has exactly $ p+1$ projective solutions with $ x,y,z\in {\mathbb{F}}_p$.

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William A Stein 2003-03-10