Math 252: Modular Abelian Varieties

Jacobian Varieties

by James Milne

This article is in Cornell-Silverman.

What it is about

This article gives proofs of the basic properties of Jacobian varieties along with a constructive proof that the Jacobian exists.

Electronic Version

Here is a 17MB scan of the article in PDF format.


The article “Jacobian varieties” by Milne is a modern treatment of the subject, and as such helps fill an important gap in the expository literature, since D. Mumford never wrote the second volume of his book Abelian varieties, and the book Abelian varieties by S. Lang was written in the language of Weil. The bibliographical notes to Milne's article are well worth reading; it is a pity that this kind of thing is not done more often.

Reviewed by H. Gillet