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Some Tools for Computing

Calculator: A TI-89 can deal with integers with 1000s of digits, factor, and do most basic number theory. I am not aware if anyone has programmed basic ''elliptic curve'' computations into this calculator, but it could be done.

Mathematica and Maple: Both are commercial, but they are very powerful, can draw pretty pictures, and there are elliptic curve packages available for each (apecs for Maple, and something by Silverman for Mathematica).

PARI: Free, open source, excellent for our course, simple, runs on Macs, MS Windows, Linux, etc.

MAGMA: Huge, non-free but nonprofit, what I usually use for my research. I can legally give you a Linux executable if you are registered for 124.

My Wristwatch: Perhaps the only wristwatch in the world that can factor your social security number? :-)

William A Stein 2001-09-17