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Numbers Do Factor

Let $ n=1275$, and recall from above that $ 17\mid 1275$, so $ n$ is definitely composite, $ n=17 \cdot 75$. Next, $ 75$ is $ 5\cdot 15=5\cdot 5\cdot 3$. So, finally, $ 1275 = 3\cdot 5\cdot 5\cdot 17$.

Now suppose $ n$ is any positive number. Then, just as above, $ n$ can be written as a product of primes:

What if we had done something differently when breaking $ 1275$ apart as a product of primes? Could the primes that show up be different? Why not just try? We have $ 1275 = 5\cdot 255$. Now $ 255=5\cdot 51$ and $ 51=17\cdot 3$, so everything turned out the same. Will it always?

Incidently, there's an open problem nearby:

Unsolved Question: Is there an algorithm which can factor any given integer $ n$ so quickly that its ``running time'' is bounded by a polynomial function of the number of decimal digits of $ n$.

I think most people would guess ``no'', but nobody has yet proved that it can't be done (and told everyone...). If there were such an algorithm, then the cryptosystem that I use to send my girlfriend private emails would probably be easily broken.

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William A Stein 2001-09-14