This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-2.3-1.40.12 (TeX Live 2011) (format=pdflatex 2011.7.3) 2 DEC 2011 11:40 entering extended mode restricted \write18 enabled. %&-line parsing enabled. **\input main.tex (./main.tex (/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/report.cls Document Class: report 2007/10/19 v1.4h Standard LaTeX document class (/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/size10.clo File: size10.clo 2007/10/19 v1.4h Standard LaTeX file (size option) ) \c@part=\count79 \c@chapter=\count80 \c@section=\count81 \c@subsection=\count82 \c@subsubsection=\count83 \c@paragraph=\count84 \c@subparagraph=\count85 \c@figure=\count86 \c@table=\count87 \abovecaptionskip=\skip41 \belowcaptionskip=\skip42 \bibindent=\dimen102 ) (/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-dist/tex/latex/hyperref/hyperref.sty Package: hyperref 2011/04/17 v6.82g Hypertext links for LaTeX (/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-dist/tex/generic/oberdiek/hobsub-hyperref.sty Package: hobsub-hyperref 2011/04/23 v1.4 Bundle oberdiek, subset hyperref (HO) (/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-dist/tex/generic/oberdiek/hobsub-generic.sty Package: hobsub-generic 2011/04/23 v1.4 Bundle oberdiek, subset generic (HO) Package: hobsub 2011/04/23 v1.4 Subsetting bundle oberdiek (HO) Package: infwarerr 2010/04/08 v1.3 Providing info/warning/message (HO) Package: ltxcmds 2011/04/18 v1.20 LaTeX kernel commands for general use (HO) Package: ifluatex 2010/03/01 v1.3 Provides the ifluatex switch (HO) Package ifluatex Info: LuaTeX not detected. 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Package: pdfescape 2011/04/04 v1.12 Provides string conversions (HO) Package: bigintcalc 2011/01/30 v1.2 Expandable big integer calculations (HO) Package: bitset 2011/01/30 v1.1 Data type bit set (HO) Package: uniquecounter 2011/01/30 v1.2 Provides unlimited unique counter (HO) ) Package hobsub Info: Skipping package `hobsub' (already loaded). Package: letltxmacro 2010/09/02 v1.4 Let assignment for LaTeX macros (HO) Package: hopatch 2011/01/30 v1.0 Wrapper for package hooks (HO) Package: xcolor-patch 2011/01/30 xcolor patch Package: atveryend 2011/04/23 v1.7 Hooks at very end of document (HO) Package atveryend Info: \enddocument detected (standard). Package: atbegshi 2011/01/30 v1.15 At begin shipout hook (HO) Package: refcount 2010/12/01 v3.2 Data extraction from references (HO) Package: hycolor 2011/01/30 v1.7 Color options of hyperref/bookmark (HO) ) (/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-dist/tex/latex/graphics/keyval.sty Package: keyval 1999/03/16 v1.13 key=value parser (DPC) \KV@toks@=\toks14 ) (/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-dist/tex/generic/ifxetex/ifxetex.sty Package: ifxetex 2010/09/12 v0.6 Provides ifxetex conditional ) (/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-dist/tex/latex/oberdiek/kvoptions.sty Package: kvoptions 2010/12/23 v3.10 Keyval support for LaTeX options (HO) ) \@linkdim=\dimen103 \Hy@linkcounter=\count88 \Hy@pagecounter=\count89 (/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-dist/tex/latex/hyperref/pd1enc.def File: pd1enc.def 2011/04/17 v6.82g Hyperref: PDFDocEncoding definition (HO) ) \Hy@SavedSpaceFactor=\count90 (/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-dist/tex/latex/latexconfig/hyperref.cfg File: hyperref.cfg 2002/06/06 v1.2 hyperref configuration of TeXLive ) Package hyperref Info: Hyper figures OFF on input line 4026. Package hyperref Info: Link nesting OFF on input line 4031. Package hyperref Info: Hyper index ON on input line 4034. Package hyperref Info: Plain pages OFF on input line 4041. Package hyperref Info: Backreferencing OFF on input line 4046. Package hyperref Info: Implicit mode ON; LaTeX internals redefined. Package hyperref Info: Bookmarks ON on input line 4264. \c@Hy@tempcnt=\count91 (/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-dist/tex/latex/url/url.sty \Urlmuskip=\muskip10 Package: url 2006/04/12 ver 3.3 Verb mode for urls, etc. ) LaTeX Info: Redefining \url on input line 4617. \Fld@menulength=\count92 \Field@Width=\dimen104 \Fld@charsize=\dimen105 Package hyperref Info: Hyper figures OFF on input line 5701. Package hyperref Info: Link nesting OFF on input line 5706. Package hyperref Info: Hyper index ON on input line 5709. Package hyperref Info: backreferencing OFF on input line 5716. Package hyperref Info: Link coloring OFF on input line 5721. Package hyperref Info: Link coloring with OCG OFF on input line 5726. Package hyperref Info: PDF/A mode OFF on input line 5731. LaTeX Info: Redefining \ref on input line 5771. LaTeX Info: Redefining \pageref on input line 5775. \Hy@abspage=\count93 \c@Item=\count94 \c@Hfootnote=\count95 ) Package hyperref Message: Driver (autodetected): hpdftex. 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LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring font encoding OMS on input line 568. \macc@depth=\count103 \c@MaxMatrixCols=\count104 \dotsspace@=\muskip11 \c@parentequation=\count105 \dspbrk@lvl=\count106 \tag@help=\toks17 \row@=\count107 \column@=\count108 \maxfields@=\count109 \andhelp@=\toks18 \eqnshift@=\dimen110 \alignsep@=\dimen111 \tagshift@=\dimen112 \tagwidth@=\dimen113 \totwidth@=\dimen114 \lineht@=\dimen115 \@envbody=\toks19 \multlinegap=\skip45 \multlinetaggap=\skip46 \mathdisplay@stack=\toks20 LaTeX Info: Redefining \[ on input line 2666. LaTeX Info: Redefining \] on input line 2667. ) (/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-dist/tex/latex/amsfonts/amssymb.sty Package: amssymb 2009/06/22 v3.00 ) (/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-dist/tex/latex/amscls/amsthm.sty Package: amsthm 2009/07/02 v2.20.1 \thm@style=\toks21 \thm@bodyfont=\toks22 \thm@headfont=\toks23 \thm@notefont=\toks24 \thm@headpunct=\toks25 \thm@preskip=\skip47 \thm@postskip=\skip48 \thm@headsep=\skip49 \dth@everypar=\toks26 ) (/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/makeidx.sty Package: makeidx 2000/03/29 v1.0m Standard LaTeX package ) (/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-dist/tex/latex/psfrag/psfrag.sty Package: psfrag 1998/04/11 v3.04 PSfrag (MCG) (/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-dist/tex/latex/graphics/graphics.sty Package: graphics 2009/02/05 v1.0o Standard LaTeX Graphics (DPC,SPQR) (/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-dist/tex/latex/graphics/trig.sty Package: trig 1999/03/16 v1.09 sin cos tan (DPC) ) (/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-dist/tex/latex/latexconfig/graphics.cfg File: graphics.cfg 2010/04/23 v1.9 graphics configuration of TeX Live ) Package graphics Info: Driver file: pdftex.def on input line 91. (/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-dist/tex/latex/pdftex-def/pdftex.def File: pdftex.def 2011/05/27 v0.06d Graphics/color for pdfTeX \Gread@gobject=\count110 )) \pfg@pcount=\count111 \pfg@scount=\count112 \pfg@temp=\write3 ) (/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-dist/tex/latex/graphics/graphicx.sty Package: graphicx 1999/02/16 v1.0f Enhanced LaTeX Graphics (DPC,SPQR) \Gin@req@height=\dimen116 \Gin@req@width=\dimen117 ) (/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-dist/tex/generic/xypic/xy.sty (/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-dist/tex/generic/xypic/xy.tex Bootstrap'ing: catcodes, docmode, (/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-dist/tex/generic/xypic/xyrecat.tex) (/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-dist/tex/generic/xypic/xyidioms.tex) Xy-pic version 3.8.5 <2011/02/11> Copyright (c) 1991-2010 by Kristoffer H. Rose Xy-pic is free software: see the User's Guide for details. Loading kernel: messages; fonts; allocations: state, \X@c=\dimen118 \Y@c=\dimen119 \U@c=\dimen120 \D@c=\dimen121 \L@c=\dimen122 \R@c=\dimen123 \Edge@c=\toks27 \X@p=\dimen124 \Y@p=\dimen125 \U@p=\dimen126 \D@p=\dimen127 \L@p=\dimen128 \R@p=\dimen129 \Edge@p=\toks28 \X@origin=\dimen130 \Y@origin=\dimen131 \X@xbase=\dimen132 \Y@xbase=\dimen133 \X@ybase=\dimen134 \Y@ybase=\dimen135 \X@min=\dimen136 \Y@min=\dimen137 \X@max=\dimen138 \Y@max=\dimen139 \lastobjectbox@=\box28 \zerodotbox@=\box29 \almostz@=\dimen140 direction, \d@X=\dimen141 \d@Y=\dimen142 \K@=\count113 \KK@=\count114 \Direction=\count115 \K@dXdY=\dimen143 \K@dYdX=\dimen144 \xyread@=\read1 \xywrite@=\write4 \csp@=\count116 \quotPTK@=\dimen145 utility macros; pictures: \xy, positions, \swaptoks@@=\toks29 \connectobjectbox@@=\box30 objects, \styletoks@=\toks30 decorations; kernel objects: directionals, circles, text; options; algorithms: directions, edges, connections; Xy-pic loaded) Package: xy 2011/02/11 Xy-pic version 3.8.5 (/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-dist/tex/generic/xypic/xyall.tex Xy-pic option: All features v.3.7 (/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-dist/tex/generic/xypic/xycurve.tex Xy-pic option: Curve and Spline extension v.3.11 curve, \crv@cnt@=\count117 \crvpts@=\toks31 \splinebox@=\box31 \splineval@=\dimen146 \splinedepth@=\dimen147 \splinetol@=\dimen148 \splinelength@=\dimen149 circles, \L@=\dimen150 loaded) (/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-dist/tex/generic/xypic/xyframe.tex Xy-pic option: Frame and Bracket extension v.3.12 loaded) (/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-dist/tex/generic/xypic/xycmtip.tex Xy-pic option: Computer Modern tip extension v.3.6 (/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-dist/tex/generic/xypic/xytips.tex Xy-pic option: More Tips extension v.3.8 loaded) loaded) (/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-dist/tex/generic/xypic/xyline.tex Xy-pic option: Line styles extension v.3.9 \xylinethick@=\dimen151 loaded) (/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-dist/tex/generic/xypic/xyrotate.tex Xy-pic option: Rotate and Scale extension v.3.7 loaded) (/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-dist/tex/generic/xypic/xycolor.tex Xy-pic option: Colour extension v.3.10 loaded) (/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-dist/tex/generic/xypic/xymatrix.tex Xy-pic option: Matrix feature v.3.9 \Row=\count118 \Col=\count119 \queue@=\toks32 \queue@@=\toks33 \qcount@=\count120 \qcount@@=\count121 \matrixsize@=\count122 loaded) (/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-dist/tex/generic/xypic/xyarrow.tex Xy-pic option: Arrow and Path feature v.3.8 path, \ar, loaded) (/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-dist/tex/generic/xypic/xygraph.tex Xy-pic option: Graph feature v.3.10 loaded) loaded) (/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-dist/tex/generic/xypic/xypdf.tex Xy-pic option: PDF driver v.1.6 Xy-pic pdf driver: `color' extension support (/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-dist/tex/generic/xypic/xypdf-co.tex loaded) Xy-pic pdf driver: `curve' extension support (/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-dist/tex/generic/xypic/xypdf-cu.tex loaded) Xy-pic pdf driver: `frame' extension support (/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-dist/tex/generic/xypic/xypdf-fr.tex loaded) Xy-pic pdf driver: `line' extension support (/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-dist/tex/generic/xypic/xypdf-li.tex loaded) Xy-pic pdf driver: `rotate' extension support (/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-dist/tex/generic/xypic/xypdf-ro.tex loaded) loaded)) \@input{macros.aux} \openout2 = `macros.aux'. 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(/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/supp-pdf.mkii [Loading MPS to PDF converter (version 2006.09.02).] \scratchcounter=\count134 \scratchdimen=\dimen156 \scratchbox=\box35 \nofMPsegments=\count135 \nofMParguments=\count136 \everyMPshowfont=\toks35 \MPscratchCnt=\count137 \MPscratchDim=\dimen157 \MPnumerator=\count138 \makeMPintoPDFobject=\count139 \everyMPtoPDFconversion=\toks36 ) (/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-dist/tex/latex/oberdiek/epstopdf-base.sty Package: epstopdf-base 2010/02/09 v2.5 Base part for package epstopdf (/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-dist/tex/latex/oberdiek/grfext.sty Package: grfext 2010/08/19 v1.1 Managing graphics extensions (HO) ) Package grfext Info: Graphics extension search list: (grfext) [.png,.pdf,.jpg,.mps,.jpeg,.jbig2,.jb2,.PNG,.PDF,.JPG,.JPE G,.JBIG2,.JB2,.eps] (grfext) \AppendGraphicsExtensions on input line 452. (/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-dist/tex/latex/latexconfig/epstopdf-sys.cfg File: epstopdf-sys.cfg 2010/07/13 v1.3 Configuration of (r)epstopdf for TeX Liv e )) LaTeX Font Info: Try loading font information for U+msa on input line 39. (/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-dist/tex/latex/amsfonts/umsa.fd File: umsa.fd 2009/06/22 v3.00 AMS symbols A ) LaTeX Font Info: Try loading font information for U+msb on input line 39. (/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-dist/tex/latex/amsfonts/umsb.fd File: umsb.fd 2009/06/22 v3.00 AMS symbols B ) Package xypdf Info: Line width: 0.39998pt on input line 39. \c@lstlisting=\count140 [1 Non-PDF special ignored! {/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-var/fonts/map/pdftex/updmap/}] [2 ] (./main.toc [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] LaTeX Font Info: Try loading font information for U+euf on input line 235. (/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-dist/tex/latex/amsfonts/ueuf.fd File: ueuf.fd 2009/06/22 v3.00 Euler Fraktur ) [8]) \tf@toc=\write7 \openout7 = `main.toc'. 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Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\ell' on input line 513. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 513. [9] Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 535. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 535. [10] [11] [12 ] 3. [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 1091. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 1091. [19] [20] Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 1225. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 1225. [21] [22] Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 1429. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 1429. [23] Package amsfonts Warning: Obsolete command \Bbb; \mathbb should be used instead on input line 1445. [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 1789. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 1789. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 1789. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 1789. [29] [30] 4. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 1902. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\mathop' on input line 1902. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\mathcode' on input line 1902. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\mathcode' on input line 1902. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\mathcode' on input line 1902. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\mathchardef' on input line 1902. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\std@minus' on input line 1902. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\mathcode' on input line 1902. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\mathcode' on input line 1902. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\mathcode' on input line 1902. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\mathcode' on input line 1902. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) \kern 2.22198pt (hyperref) removed on input line 1902. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\mathgroup' on input line 1902. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\symoperators' on input line 1902. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\@ifnextchar' on input line 1902. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `subscript' on input line 1902. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 1902. Package hyperref Warning: Composite letter `\textacute+3' (hyperref) not defined in PD1 encoding, (hyperref) removing `\textacute' on input line 1902. Package hyperref Warning: Composite letter `\textdotaccent+"' (hyperref) not defined in PD1 encoding, (hyperref) removing `\textdotaccent' on input line 1902. [31 ] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] [37] [38 ] 5. File: graphics/uhp.pdf Graphic file (type pdf) Package pdftex.def Info: graphics/uhp.pdf used on input line 2273. (pdftex.def) Requested size: 285.12267pt x 83.52266pt. [39 <./graphics/uhp.pdf>] [40] Overfull \hbox (2.76831pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 2441--2446 []\OT1/cmr/m/it/10 The non-cuspidal points on $\OML/cmm/m/it/10 X\OT1/cmr/m/n/1 0 (\OML/cmm/m/it/10 N\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 )$ \OT1/cmr/m/it/10 cor-re-spond to iso-mo r-phism classes of triples [] [41] Overfull \hbox (2.65828pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 2480--2483 []\OT1/cmr/m/it/10 Remark \OT1/cmr/m/n/10 5.2.7\OT1/cmr/m/it/10 . []\OT1/cmr/m/ n/10 The ana-logue of Lemma []5.2.6[] is also true for $[][](\OT1/cmr/bx/n/10 Z \OT1/cmr/m/n/10 ) \OMS/cmsy/m/n/10 ! [][]\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (\OT1/cmr/bx/n/10 Z\OM L/cmm/m/it/10 =N\OT1/cmr/bx/n/10 Z\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 )$ [] [42] Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 2567. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 2567. [43] [44] [45] [46 ] 6. [47] Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 2797. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\Gamma' on input line 2797. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 2797. [48] [49] Overfull \hbox (7.00468pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 2920--2927 []\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 How is the space $\OML/cmm/m/it/10 S[]\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (\OT1/c mr/bx/n/10 C\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 )$ of cusp forms re-lated to the co-ho-mol-ogy grou p $\OML/cmm/m/it/10 H[]\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (\OML/cmm/m/it/10 X[]; \OT1/cmr/bx/n/10 R\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 )$? [] [50] [51] [52 ] 7. [53] [54] Overfull \hbox (0.57304pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 3123--3129 []\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 By Propo-si-tion []7.1.4[], ev-ery el-e-ment $\OML/cmm/m/it/1 0 h$ \OT1/cmr/m/n/10 of $[][](\OML/cmm/m/it/10 X\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (\OML/cmm/m/it/ 10 G\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 )\OML/cmm/m/it/10 ; \OT1/cmr/bx/n/10 Z\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 )$ is of the form $\OMS/cmsy/m/n/10 f\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 0\OML/cmm/m/it/10 ; g\OT1/cmr/m /n/10 (0)\OMS/cmsy/m/n/10 g$ [] Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 3167. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 3167. [55] File: graphics/manin_symbol_proof.pdf Graphic file (type pdf) Package pdftex.def Info: graphics/manin_symbol_proof.pdf used on input line 320 7. (pdftex.def) Requested size: 118.22844pt x 236.7177pt. [56 <./graphics/manin_symbol_proof.pdf>] Overfull \hbox (21.7909pt too wide) detected at line 3306 \OML/cmm/m/it/10 e[]\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (\OML/cmm/m/it/10 r\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 ) \OMS/c msy/m/n/10 ^^@ \OML/cmm/m/it/10 e[]\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (\OML/cmm/m/it/10 rs\OT1/cmr /m/n/10 ) = \OML/cmm/m/it/10 ^^Y\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (\OML/cmm/m/it/10 g\OT1/cmr/m/n /10 (\OMS/cmsy/m/n/10 1\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 )\OML/cmm/m/it/10 ; g\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (\O ML/cmm/m/it/10 i\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 )) + \OML/cmm/m/it/10 ^^Y\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (\OML/ cmm/m/it/10 gs\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (\OML/cmm/m/it/10 i\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 )\OML/cmm/m/it /10 ; gs\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (\OMS/cmsy/m/n/10 1\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 )) = \OML/cmm/m/it/1 0 ^^Y\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (\OML/cmm/m/it/10 g\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (\OMS/cmsy/m/n/10 1\OT1 /cmr/m/n/10 )\OML/cmm/m/it/10 ; g\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (\OML/cmm/m/it/10 i\OT1/cmr/m/ n/10 )) + \OML/cmm/m/it/10 ^^Y\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (\OML/cmm/m/it/10 g\OT1/cmr/m/n/1 0 (1 + \OML/cmm/m/it/10 i\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 )\OML/cmm/m/it/10 ; g\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 ( \OMS/cmsy/m/n/10 1\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 ))\OML/cmm/m/it/10 : [] [57] Overfull \hbox (5.96455pt too wide) detected at line 3361 \OML/cmm/m/it/10 '\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (\OML/cmm/m/it/10 r\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 ) = \OML/c mm/m/it/10 e[]\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (\OML/cmm/m/it/10 rs\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 ) \OMS/cmsy/m /n/10 ^^@ \OML/cmm/m/it/10 e[]\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (\OML/cmm/m/it/10 r\OT1/cmr/m/n/1 0 ) = \OML/cmm/m/it/10 ^^Y\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (\OML/cmm/m/it/10 rs\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 ( \OMS/cmsy/m/n/10 1\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 )\OML/cmm/m/it/10 ; rs\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (\OML/c mm/m/it/10 i\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 )) \OMS/cmsy/m/n/10 ^^@ \OML/cmm/m/it/10 ^^Y\OT1/cm r/m/n/10 (\OML/cmm/m/it/10 r\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (\OMS/cmsy/m/n/10 1\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 )\OML/cmm/m/it/10 ; r\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (\OML/cmm/m/it/10 i\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 )) = \O ML/cmm/m/it/10 ^^Y\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (\OML/cmm/m/it/10 r\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (0)\OML/cm m/m/it/10 ; r\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (\OML/cmm/m/it/10 i\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 )) \OMS/cmsy/m/ n/10 ^^@ \OML/cmm/m/it/10 ^^Y\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (\OML/cmm/m/it/10 r\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (\OMS/cmsy/m/n/10 1\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 )\OML/cmm/m/it/10 ; r\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (\OML/ cmm/m/it/10 i\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 )) [] [58] Overfull \hbox (6.7021pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 3390--3396 \OMS/cmsy/m/n/10 f\OML/cmm/m/it/10 []; ^^L[]\OMS/cmsy/m/n/10 g \OT1/cmr/m/n/10 = \OMS/cmsy/m/n/10 f\OML/cmm/m/it/10 ; ^^L\OMS/cmsy/m/n/10 g 2 [][]\OT1/cmr/m /n/10 (\OML/cmm/m/it/10 X[]\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (\OML/cmm/m/it/10 N\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 ) \OML/cmm/m/it/10 ; \OT1/cmr/bx/n/10 R\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 )$ does not im-ply that $\ OMS/cmsy/m/n/10 f\OML/cmm/m/it/10 g\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (\OML/cmm/m/it/10 []\OT1/cm r/m/n/10 )\OML/cmm/m/it/10 ; g\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (\OML/cmm/m/it/10 ^^L[]\OT1/cmr/m /n/10 )\OMS/cmsy/m/n/10 g \OT1/cmr/m/n/10 = \OMS/cmsy/m/n/10 f\OML/cmm/m/it/10 g\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (\OML/cmm/m/it/10 \OT1/cmr/m/n/10 )\OML/cmm/m/it/10 ; g\OT1/c mr/m/n/10 (\OML/cmm/m/it/10 ^^L\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 )\OMS/cmsy/m/n/10 g$\OT1/cmr/m/n /10 . [] [59] Overfull \hbox (19.76059pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 3431--3433 []\OT1/cmr/bx/n/10 Definition 7.3.2 \OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (Hecke op-er-a-tors)\OT1/cm r/bx/n/10 . []\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 We de-fine the \OT1/cmr/m/it/10 Hecke op-er-a-tor $\OML/cmm/m/it/10 T[]$ \OT1/cmr/m/n/10 on $[][](\OML/cmm/m/it/10 X[]\OT1/cmr/m /n/10 (\OML/cmm/m/it/10 N\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 )\OML/cmm/m/it/10 ; \OT1/cmr/bx/n/10 R \OT1/cmr/m/n/10 )$ [] Overfull \hbox (0.59491pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 3452--3452 [] \OT1/cmtt/m/n/10 M!<1,[Cusps()|0,Infinity()]> + M!<1,[Cusps()|1/2,Infini ty()]>);[] [] [60] Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 3520. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 3520. [61] LaTeX Font Info: Try loading font information for OT2+wncyr on input line 35 53. (/usr/local/texlive/2011/texmf-dist/tex/latex/cyrillic/ot2wncyr.fd File: ot2wncyr.fd 1999/12/17 v3.2a Computer Modern Cyrillic font definitions ) [62] [63] [64 ] 8. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 3633. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\Gamma' on input line 3633. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `subscript' on input line 3633. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 3633. [65] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 3750--3751 [] [66] [67] Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 3844. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 3844. [68] [69] [70 ] 9. Overfull \hbox (0.67111pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 3991--3997 []\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 If $\OML/cmm/m/it/10 "$ \OT1/cmr/m/n/10 is a Dirich-let char- ac-ter mod-ulo $\OML/cmm/m/it/10 MN$ \OT1/cmr/m/n/10 such that $\OML/cmm/m/it/1 0 "\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (\OMS/cmsy/m/n/10 ^^@\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 1) = (\OMS/cmsy/m/n/10 ^^@\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 1)[]$, let $\OML/cmm/m/it/10 S[]\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (\OML/cmm/m/ it/10 M; N; "\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 )$ [] [71] [72] Overfull \hbox (10.85173pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 4128--4131 []\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 Since $\OML/cmm/m/it/10 T[]$ \OT1/cmr/m/n/10 com-mutes with $ \OML/cmm/m/it/10 B[]$ \OT1/cmr/m/n/10 and $\OML/cmm/m/it/10 C[]$\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 , the Hecke op-er-a-tors $\OML/cmm/m/it/10 T[]$ \OT1/cmr/m/n/10 pre-serve $\OM L/cmm/m/it/10 S[]\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (\OML/cmm/m/it/10 M; N; "\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 )[]$, [] [73] [74] Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 4251. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `subscript' on input line 4251. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 4251. [75] Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 4372. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `subscript' on input line 4372. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 4372. [76] Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 4402. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `subscript' on input line 4402. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 4402. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 4412. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 4412. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 4412. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `subscript' on input line 4412. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 4412. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 4414. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 4414. [77] [78] [79] [80] Overfull \hbox (11.26907pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 4694--4702 \OT1/cmr/m/n/10 tion []9.3.2[], the space $\OML/cmm/m/it/10 S[]\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (^^@[](\OML/cmm/m/it/10 N\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 ))$ is free of rank $1$ over $\OT1/cmr /bx/n/10 T[]$\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 , so $[] \OT1/cmr/bx/n/10 T[] \OT1/cmr/m/n/10 = [] \OML/cmm/m/it/10 S[]\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (^^@[](\OML/cmm/m/it/10 N\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 ) )$. [] [81] [82 ] 10. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 4727. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `subscript' on input line 4727. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\Gamma' on input line 4727. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 4727. Underfull \vbox (badness 10000) has occurred while \output is active [] [83] [84] Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 4827. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 4827. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 4859. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `subscript' on input line 4859. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 4859. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 4859. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 4859. [85] Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 4918. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 4918. [86] [87] [88 ] 11. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 4966. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 4966. [89] [90] Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 5096. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\rho' on input line 5096. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `subscript' on input line 5096. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 5096. LaTeX Font Info: Try loading font information for OMS+cmss on input line 514 0. LaTeX Font Info: No file OMScmss.fd. on input line 5140. LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `OMS/cmss/m/n' undefined (Font) using `OMS/cmsy/m/n' instead (Font) for symbol `textsection' on input line 5140. [91] Overfull \hbox (8.05022pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 5156--5164 []\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 Let $\OML/cmm/m/it/10 E$ \OT1/cmr/m/n/10 be an el-lip-tic cur ve over $\OML/cmm/m/it/10 K$ \OT1/cmr/m/n/10 with $\OML/cmm/m/it/10 j$\OT1/cmr/ m/n/10 -invariant $\OML/cmm/m/it/10 j$\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 . We will show that $[](\ OMS/cmsy/m/n/10 F[]\OML/cmm/m/it/10 =\OMS/cmsy/m/n/10 F[]\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 )$ [] [92] [93] [94] Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 5350. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\mathop' on input line 5350. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\mathcode' on input line 5350. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\mathcode' on input line 5350. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\mathcode' on input line 5350. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\mathchardef' on input line 5350. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\std@minus' on input line 5350. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\mathcode' on input line 5350. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\mathcode' on input line 5350. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\mathcode' on input line 5350. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\mathcode' on input line 5350. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) \kern 2.22198pt (hyperref) removed on input line 5350. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\mathgroup' on input line 5350. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\symoperators' on input line 5350. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\@ifnextchar' on input line 5350. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `subscript' on input line 5350. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 5350. Package hyperref Warning: Composite letter `\textacute+3' (hyperref) not defined in PD1 encoding, (hyperref) removing `\textacute' on input line 5350. Package hyperref Warning: Composite letter `\textdotaccent+"' (hyperref) not defined in PD1 encoding, (hyperref) removing `\textdotaccent' on input line 5350. [95] [96] 12. [97 ] [98] [99] LaTeX Warning: Reference `' on page 100 undefined on input line 5670. [100] [101] [102] [103] File: graphics/deligne-rapaport.pdf Graphic file (type pdf) Package pdftex.def Info: graphics/deligne-rapaport.pdf used on input line 5904. (pdftex.def) Requested size: 320.7596pt x 49.19412pt. [104 <./graphics/deligne-rapaport.pdf>] [ 105] [106] [107] Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 6207. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `subscript' on input line 6207. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `subscript' on input line 6207. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 6207. [108] [109] [110 ] 13. [111] Underfull \vbox (badness 10000) has occurred while \output is active [] [112] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 6351--6352 [] [113] [114] [115] [116] [117] [118] [119] [120] [121] [122] [123] [124] Overfull \hbox (21.59473pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 7197--7197 [] \OT1/cmtt/m/n/10 (0.59153223605591049412844857432 - 1.6874592734680125399 3135357636*i[] [] Overfull \hbox (100.34404pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 7197--7197 [] \OT1/cmtt/m/n/10 0.762806324458047168681080323846571478727 - 0.603687 64497868211035115379488*i),[] [] Overfull \hbox (26.84468pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 7197--7197 [] \OT1/cmtt/m/n/10 (-0.59153223605591049412844857432 - 1.687459273468012539 93135357636*i[] [] Overfull \hbox (105.594pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 7197--7197 [] \OT1/cmtt/m/n/10 -0.762806324458047168681080323846571478727 - 0.60368 764497868211035115379488*i),[] [] Overfull \hbox (89.84413pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 7197--7197 [] \OT1/cmtt/m/n/10 (-1.354338560513957662809528899804 - 1.08377162848933042 95801997808568748714097*i[] [] Overfull \hbox (58.3444pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 7197--7197 [] \OT1/cmtt/m/n/10 -0.59153223605591049412844857401 + 0.480083983510648 319229045987467*i),[] [] Overfull \hbox (16.34477pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 7197--7197 [] \OT1/cmtt/m/n/10 (-1.52561264891609433736216065099 0.34254817680427334910 5263499648)[] [] [125] [126] [127] [128] Overfull \hbox (6.81845pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 7455--7463 \OT1/cmtt/m/n/10\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 , and look at Sil-ver-man, chap- [] [129] [130] [131] [132] 14. [133 ] Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 7810. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `subscript' on input line 7810. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 7810. LaTeX Warning: Reference `' on page 134 undefined on input line 7836. [134] Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 7867. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `subscript' on input line 7867. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 7867. [135] Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 7984. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `subscript' on input line 7984. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 7984. [136] [137] Overfull \hbox (3.53947pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 8082--8087 \OT1/cmr/m/n/10 Using the Eichler-Shimura con-gru-ence re-la-tion (see [][][] ) we will show that $[](\OML/cmm/m/it/10 ^^Z[]\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (\OML/cmm/m/it/10 '\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 )) = [] [138] [139] [140] LaTeX Warning: Reference `sec:int_con' on page 141 undefined on input line 8287 . [141] [142] 15. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 8366. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 8366. Overfull \hbox (5.23723pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 8401--8406 []\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 As dis-cussed in [[], \OMS/cmsy/m/n/10 x\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 2], $ \OML/cmm/m/it/10 K$ \OT1/cmr/m/n/10 acts faith-fully on the tan-gent space $[][ ](\OML/cmm/m/it/10 A=\OT1/cmr/bx/n/10 Q\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 )$ [] [143 ] [144] [145] Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 8569. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\@@overline' on input line 8569. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 8569. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 8623. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\@@overline' on input line 8623. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 8623. [146] [147] [148 ] 16. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 8669. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 8669. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 8671. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 8671. Underfull \vbox (badness 1701) has occurred while \output is active [] [149] Overfull \hbox (0.56735pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 8741--8744 []\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 Since $\OML/cmm/m/it/10 N[]\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (2\OML/cmm/m/it/10 ^^Y\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 )[]^^@(\OML/cmm/m/it/10 s\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 )$ is ev-ery-where nonzero, The-o-rem []16.1.4[] im-plies that $\OML/cmm/m/it/10 L\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (\OML/cmm/m/it/10 f; s\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 )$ [] Overfull \hbox (3.19969pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 8762--8763 []\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 We fol-low [[], \OMS/cmsy/m/n/10 x\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 VIII.5] clo sely. [] [150] Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 8817. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 8817. [151] Overfull \hbox (1.52274pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 8848--8851 []\OT1/cmr/bx/n/10 Theorem 16.1.6. []\OT1/cmr/m/it/10 Let $\OML/cmm/m/it/10 f \ OT1/cmr/m/n/10 = [] \OML/cmm/m/it/10 a[]q[]$ \OT1/cmr/m/it/10 be a new-form in $\OML/cmm/m/it/10 S[]\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (^^@[](\OML/cmm/m/it/10 N\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 ) \OML/cmm/m/it/10 ; "\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 )$\OT1/cmr/m/it/10 , and let $\OML/cmm/m/it /10 L\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (\OML/cmm/m/it/10 f; s\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 ) = [] [152] Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 8905. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 8905. LaTeX Warning: Reference `fig:visLabs' on page 153 undefined on input line 8909 . [153] [154 ] 17. [155] [156] [157] [158] LaTeX Warning: Citation `agashe-stein:manin' on page 159 undefined on input lin e 10448. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 10455. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\Omega' on input line 10455. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `subscript' on input line 10455. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 10455. [159] Overfull \hbox (2.48738pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 10514--10519 \OT1/cmr/m/n/10 Recall the Manin-Drinfeld the-o-rem, which we proved long ago, as-serts that $\OMS/cmsy/m/n/10 f\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 0\OML/cmm/m/it/10 ; \OMS/cmsy/ m/n/10 1g 2 [] [160] Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 10557. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 10557. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 10588. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\Omega' on input line 10588. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `subscript' on input line 10588. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 10588. [161] [162] [163] [164] Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 10898. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\mathop' on input line 10898. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\mathcode' on input line 10898. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\mathcode' on input line 10898. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\mathcode' on input line 10898. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\mathchardef' on input line 10898. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\std@minus' on input line 10898. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\mathcode' on input line 10898. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\mathcode' on input line 10898. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\mathcode' on input line 10898. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\mathcode' on input line 10898. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) \kern 2.22198pt (hyperref) removed on input line 10898. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\mathgroup' on input line 10898. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\symoperators' on input line 10898. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\@ifnextchar' on input line 10898. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `superscript' on input line 10898. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 10898. Package hyperref Warning: Composite letter `\textacute+3' (hyperref) not defined in PD1 encoding, (hyperref) removing `\textacute' on input line 10898. Package hyperref Warning: Composite letter `\textdotaccent+"' (hyperref) not defined in PD1 encoding, (hyperref) removing `\textdotaccent' on input line 10898. [165] [166] [167] [168] Overfull \hbox (31.39096pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 11251--11311 []$ [] Overfull \hbox (30.76596pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 11319--11378 []$ [] [169] [170] [171] [172] [173] [174] [175] [176] [177] Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 11732. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 11732. Overfull \hbox (47.8445pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 11768--11768 []\OT1/cmtt/m/n/10 Elliptic Curve defined by y^2 + y = x^3 - x^2 - 10*x - 20 ov er Rational Field[] [] Overfull \hbox (89.84413pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 11768--11768 []\OT1/cmtt/m/n/10 > P := [* *]; for D in A do time p,q := HeegnerPoint(E,D); A ppend(~P,); end for;[] [] Overfull \hbox (89.84413pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 11768--11768 []\OT1/cmtt/m/n/10 [* <(0.500000000000000000023668707008012648357 + 1.322875655 532295292727422603610*i :[] [] Overfull \hbox (100.34404pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 11768--11768 [] \OT1/cmtt/m/n/10 -2.0000000000000000043473199962953622702 + 5.29150262212 9181186268103643387*i : 1),[] [] Overfull \hbox (26.84468pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 11768--11768 []\OT1/cmtt/m/n/10 <(-2.99999999999999999717372417577 + 1.414213562373095051128 215430668*i :[] [] Overfull \hbox (53.09445pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 11768--11768 [] \OT1/cmtt/m/n/10 2.99999999999999999372415320819 + 4.24264068711928515852 9184817212*i : 1),[] [] Overfull \hbox (21.59473pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 11768--11768 []\OT1/cmtt/m/n/10 <(-6.99999999999999999753082167926 + 8.717797887081347098291 81547345*i :[] [] Overfull \hbox (84.59418pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 11768--11768 [] \OT1/cmtt/m/n/10 37.000000000000000044867139452136100922 + 8.7177978870813 4710182445372185*i : 1),[] [] Overfull \hbox (74.09427pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 11768--11768 []\OT1/cmtt/m/n/10 <(0.500000000000000000023668707008012648357 + 1.322875655532 295292727422603610*i :[] [] Overfull \hbox (95.09409pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 11768--11768 [] \OT1/cmtt/m/n/10 -2.0000000000000000043473199962953622702 + 5.291502622129 181186268103643387*i : 1),[] [] Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 11770. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 11770. Underfull \vbox (badness 1769) has occurred while \output is active [] [178] [179] [180 ] 18. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 11784. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\ell' on input line 11784. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 11784. [181] [182] Overfull \hbox (8.70174pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 11965--11976 \OT1/cmr/m/n/10 idem-po-tents $\OML/cmm/m/it/10 e[]$\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 , in this d e-com-po-si-tion, de-com-pose $[][]$ as a prod-uct $[][] [][](\OML/cmm/m/it/10 A[]\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 )$. [] [183] LaTeX Warning: Command \ss invalid in math mode on input line 12047. LaTeX Warning: Command \ss invalid in math mode on input line 12047. LaTeX Warning: Command \ss invalid in math mode on input line 12052. [184] LaTeX Warning: Command \ss invalid in math mode on input line 12071. LaTeX Warning: Command \ss invalid in math mode on input line 12071. LaTeX Warning: Command \ss invalid in math mode on input line 12078. LaTeX Warning: Command \ss invalid in math mode on input line 12078. LaTeX Warning: Command \ss invalid in math mode on input line 12107. [185] Overfull \hbox (26.69293pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 12157--12172 []\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (That $\OML/cmm/m/it/10 J\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 [\U/euf/m/n/10 m\OT1 /cmr/m/n/10 ] \OMS/cmsy/m/n/10 6\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 = 0$.) The point is that the co n-travari-ant Tate mod-ule $[](\OML/cmm/m/it/10 J[]; \OT1/cmr/bx/n/10 Q[]\OML/c mm/m/it/10 =\OT1/cmr/bx/n/10 Z[]\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 )$ [] Overfull \hbox (2.53041pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 12157--12172 [][] \OT1/cmr/bx/n/10 T[]$\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 , $[][] \OML/cmm/m/it/10 J [] [][] [] [] J$ \OT1/cmr/m/n/10 so we can de-fine $[][] \OML/cmm/m/it/10 J \OT1/cmr/m/n/1 0 := [][]([][] \OML/cmm/m/it/10 J; \OT1/cmr/bx/n/10 Z[]\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 )$. [] [186] LaTeX Warning: Command \ss invalid in math mode on input line 12214. [187] Overfull \hbox (22.22363pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 12263--12275 \OT1/cmr/m/n/10 over $\OT1/cmr/bx/n/10 T\OML/cmm/m/it/10 =\U/euf/m/n/10 m$\OT1/ cmr/m/n/10 . The sec-ond is to prove that $\OT1/cmr/bx/n/10 T[]$ \OT1/cmr/m/n/1 0 is Goren-stein, i.e., that $\OT1/cmr/bx/n/10 T[] [] [][]\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (\OT1 /cmr/bx/n/10 T[]\OML/cmm/m/it/10 ; \OT1/cmr/bx/n/10 Z[]\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 )$. [] Overfull \hbox (24.1505pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 12291--12297 \OT1/cmr/m/n/10 Thus the dual of $[][] \OML/cmm/m/it/10 =\U/euf/m/n/10 m [][]$ \OT1/cmr/m/n/10 is two di-men-sional over $\OT1/cmr/bx/n/10 T\OML/cmm/m/it/10 = \U/euf/m/n/10 m$ \OT1/cmr/m/n/10 and hence $[][] \OML/cmm/m/it/10 =\U/euf/m/n/1 0 m [][]$ [] [188] [189] Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 12417. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 12417. [190] [191] [192] Overfull \hbox (60.85648pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 12603--12613 \OML/cmm/m/it/10 D\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (\OML/cmm/m/it/10 W\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 )\OML/cmm/ m/it/10 = [] D\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (\OML/cmm/m/it/10 W\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 )$. By the pre -vi-ous lemma $[] \OML/cmm/m/it/10 D\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (\OML/cmm/m/it/10 W\OT1/cmr /m/n/10 )\OML/cmm/m/it/10 = [] D\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (\OML/cmm/m/it/10 W\OT1/cmr/m/n /10 ) = 1$. Thus $\OML/cmm/m/it/10 D\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (\OML/cmm/m/it/10 W\OT1/cmr /m/n/10 )\OML/cmm/m/it/10 = [] D\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (\OML/cmm/m/it/10 W\OT1/cmr/m/n /10 ) \OMS/cmsy/m/n/10 ! [] [193] [194] [195] [196 ] 19. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 12663. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\rho' on input line 12663. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `subscript' on input line 12663. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\lambda' on input line 12663. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 12663. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 12697. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\nmid' on input line 12697. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 12697. [197] Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 12737. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\mid' on input line 12737. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 12737. [198] [199] [200] 20. [201 ] [202] [203] Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 13036. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\rho' on input line 13036. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `subscript' on input line 13036. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\lambda' on input line 13036. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 13036. [204] Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 13055. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\pi' on input line 13055. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `subscript' on input line 13055. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 13055. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 13105. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\ell' on input line 13105. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 13105. [205] [206] [207] [208 ] 21. [209] Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 13236. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\lambda' on input line 13236. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 13236. [210] Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 13312. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\rho' on input line 13312. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 13312. LaTeX Warning: Reference `prop:eta' on page 211 undefined on input line 13338. [211] [212] Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 13481. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\rho' on input line 13481. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 13481. [213] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 13558--13562 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 13562--13565 [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 13565--13571 [] [214] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 13571--13574 [] Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 13576. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\ell' on input line 13576. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 13576. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 13600. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\ell' on input line 13600. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 13600. [215] [216] Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 13708. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\rho' on input line 13708. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 13708. [217] [218] [219] LaTeX Warning: Citation `katz:antwerp601' on page 220 undefined on input line 1 3900. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 13917. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\theta' on input line 13917. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 13917. LaTeX Warning: Citation `katz:antwerp601' on page 220 undefined on input line 1 3920. [220] [221] [222] [223] [224] [225] [226] [227] [228] 22. [229 ] [230] [231] [232] 23. [233 ] Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 14634. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 14634. [234] Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 14708. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\not' on input line 14708. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\ell' on input line 14708. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 14708. [235] Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 14751. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\ell' on input line 14751. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 14751. [236] [237] [238 ] 24. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 14822. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `subscript' on input line 14822. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\Sigma' on input line 14822. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 14822. [239] [240] Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 14951. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 14951. [241] Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 15010. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `subscript' on input line 15010. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\ell' on input line 15010. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 15010. [242] [243] Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 15123. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `subscript' on input line 15123. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 15123. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 15138. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\rho' on input line 15138. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 15138. [244] Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 15185. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\rho' on input line 15185. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 15185. [245] Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 15249. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\ell' on input line 15249. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 15249. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 15267. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\ell' on input line 15267. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `superscript' on input line 15267. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 15267. [246] Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 15307. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\rho' on input line 15307. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 15307. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 15307. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\Sigma' on input line 15307. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 15307. [247] Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 15358. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `subscript' on input line 15358. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 15358. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 15358. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `subscript' on input line 15358. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `subscript' on input line 15358. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 15358. [248] [249] Overfull \hbox (5.33716pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 15495--15497 []\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 Gorenstein as a $\OT1/cmr/bx/n/10 Z[]$\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 -module , i.e., there ex-ists an iso-mor-phism $[][](\OT1/cmr/bx/n/10 T[]\OML/cmm/m/it/ 10 ; \OT1/cmr/bx/n/10 Z[]\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 ) [] [] [250] [251] Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 15585. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `subscript' on input line 15585. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\Sigma' on input line 15585. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 15585. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 15620. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\eta' on input line 15620. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\leq' on input line 15620. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\wp' on input line 15620. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `subscript' on input line 15620. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\wp' on input line 15620. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `subscript' on input line 15620. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `superscript' on input line 15620. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\leq' on input line 15620. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\wp' on input line 15620. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `subscript' on input line 15620. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\wp' on input line 15620. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `subscript' on input line 15620. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `superscript' on input line 15620. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 15620. [252] [253] LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `OMS/cmr/m/it' in size <10> not available (Font) Font shape `OMS/cmsy/m/n' tried instead on input line 15689 . [254] [255] [256] 25. [257 ] [258 ] 26. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 15830. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `subscript' on input line 15830. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 15830. LaTeX Warning: Citation `gordon-ono:vis' on page 259 undefined on input line 15 872. Underfull \vbox (badness 10000) has occurred while \output is active [] [259] Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 15892. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `subscript' on input line 15892. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 15892. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 15900. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 15900. File: graphics/389/cong.pdf Graphic file (type pdf) Package pdftex.def Info: graphics/389/cong.pdf used on input line 15949. (pdftex.def) Requested size: 270.00807pt x 178.66705pt. [260] [261 <./graphics/389/cong.pdf>] Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 16084. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 16084. Overfull \hbox (13.80864pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 16104--16106 []\OT1/cmr/bx/n/10 Proposition 26.2.1. []\OT1/cmr/m/it/10 The dis-crim-i-nant o f the Hecke al-ge-bra as-so-ci-ated to $\OML/cmm/m/it/10 S[]\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (^^ @[](389))$ [] LaTeX Warning: Citation `agashe-stein:schoof-appendix' on page 262 undefined on input line 16112. [262] Overfull \hbox (15.94171pt too wide) in alignment at lines 16163--16173 [][][] [] [] Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 16218. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `subscript' on input line 16218. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\Gamma' on input line 16218. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `subscript' on input line 16218. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 16218. LaTeX Warning: Citation `gordon-ono:vis' on page 263 undefined on input line 16 220. [263] Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 16274. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 16274. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 16275. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 16275. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 16275. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 16275. Overfull \hbox (18.63612pt too wide) detected at line 16285 [] [] [264] Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 16303. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `subscript' on input line 16303. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `superscript' on input line 16303. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `math shift' on input line 16303. Overfull \hbox (6.27884pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 16328--16332 \OT1/cmr/m/n/10 For any pos-i-tive in-te-ger $\OML/cmm/m/it/10 N$\OT1/cmr/m/n/1 0 , let $\OML/cmm/m/it/10 H[]\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (\OML/cmm/m/it/10 N\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 ) = \OML/cmm/m/it/10 H[]\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 (\OML/cmm/m/it/10 X[]\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 ( \OML/cmm/m/it/10 N\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 )\OML/cmm/m/it/10 ; \OT1/cmr/bx/n/10 Z\OT1/cm r/m/n/10 )[]$ be the $+1$ eigen-submodule [] (./main.bbl [265] [266 ] [267] [268] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 163--165 []\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 J. El-len-berg, $\OT1/cmr/bx/n/10 q$\OT1/cmr/m/it/10 -curves and Ga-lois Rep-re-sen-ta-tions\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 , [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 163--165 \OT1/cmtt/m/n/10 ellenber/papers.html#MCAV [] Underfull \hbox (badness 2173) in paragraph at lines 167--169 []\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 J. El-len-berg and C. Skin-ner, \OT1/cmr/m/it/10 On the Mod-u -lar-ity of $\OT1/cmr/bx/n/10 Q$\OT1/cmr/m/it/10 -curves\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 , [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 167--169 \OT1/cmtt/m/n/10 ellenber/papers.html#QCURVE [] [269] Underfull \hbox (badness 2469) in paragraph at lines 225--227 []\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 H. Hida, \OT1/cmr/m/it/10 Mod-u-lar-ity Prob-lems of $\OT1/cm r/bx/n/10 Q$\OT1/cmr/m/it/10 -Motives and Base-Change\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 , [] [270] Underfull \hbox (badness 1127) in paragraph at lines 323--326 \OT1/cmr/m/n/10 con-jec-ture for odd 2-dimensional rep-re-sen-ta-tions, Springe r, 1994, [] [271] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 364--367 []\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 E. Pyle, \OT1/cmr/m/it/10 Abelian va-ri-eties over $\OT1/cmr/ bx/n/10 Q$ \OT1/cmr/m/it/10 with large en-do-mor- [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 364--367 \OT1/cmr/m/it/10 phism al-ge-bras and their sim-ple com-po-nents over $[]$\OT1/ cmr/m/n/10 , [] [272] [273]) Package atveryend Info: Empty hook `BeforeClearDocument' on input line 16349. [274] Package atveryend Info: Empty hook `AfterLastShipout' on input line 16349. (./main.aux) Package atveryend Info: Executing hook `AtVeryEndDocument' on input line 16349. Package atveryend Info: Executing hook `AtEndAfterFileList' on input line 16349 . Package rerunfilecheck Info: File `main.out' has not changed. (rerunfilecheck) Checksum: DC1889DDAF0D36DDA02886B68A302113;20708. LaTeX Font Warning: Some font shapes were not available, defaults substituted. LaTeX Warning: There were undefined references. LaTeX Warning: There were multiply-defined labels. Package atveryend Info: Empty hook `AtVeryVeryEnd' on input line 16349. ) Here is how much of TeX's memory you used: 12604 strings out of 493633 168850 string characters out of 3143378 429990 words of memory out of 3000000 14428 multiletter control sequences out of 15000+200000 28521 words of font info for 111 fonts, out of 3000000 for 9000 831 hyphenation exceptions out of 8191 36i,19n,51p,3222b,1687s stack positions out of 5000i,500n,10000p,200000b,50000s Output written on main.pdf (283 pages, 1728135 bytes). PDF statistics: 4342 PDF objects out of 5155 (max. 8388607) 3943 compressed objects within 40 object streams 1270 named destinations out of 1440 (max. 500000) 2154 words of extra memory for PDF output out of 10000 (max. 10000000)