------------------------------------------------------------ 581b -- finiteness of the class group * Make sure to mention that 581d will be on a number theory topic this week -- elliptic curve computation in Sage. * Announce ECC is next week: http://2010.eccworkshop.org/ * Plan for course: * Prove the main theorem of the course (starts this week, may continue to next week): finiteness of class group; Dirichlet's unit theorem (both for ring of integers of number fields) * Key theorems and structure that make it possible to compute (next week): computing O_K, factoring p*O_K, computing class group (and examples of how to use Sage to compute these things...) * Local structure (and Galois representations): Theorems about decomposition and inertia groups, Definition of Frobenius elements, zeta functions, L-series * Adeles, ideles, and finiteness of the class group: a language that you must know to understand a lot of number theory literature. * Class field theory: statements using both ideal and idelic language * If time permits -- Automorphic forms and representations, the Langlands program, what did that new Fields Medalist do? (prove the "Fundamental Lemma") (Adeles are required to talk about this stuff...) The class group of a Dedekind domain ------------------------------------ Recall: R = Dedekind domain (noetherian, krull.dim(R)<=1, R integrally closed in K=Frac(R)) Div(R) = group of fractional ideals Using "Div" since like divisors on a curve; notation only good because of following theorem, we proved completely last week: Theorem: Div(R) is a free abelian group (free on the nonzero prime ideals of R). Defn: A *principal fractional ideal* is one of the form: I = alpha*R for 0 != alpha in K. Defn: Prin(R) = group of principal fractional ideals Defn: Cl(R) = Div(R) / Prin(R) <------- so it's an abelian group Prop: Prin(R) isom K^* / R^*. Proof: K^* --> Prin(R), by definition. kernel = {u in K^* : u*R has no prime factors} = {u in K^* : u*R = R } = R^* Note: if u in K^* with u*R = R, then u in R, since 1 in R, so u=u*1 in R. Thus exact sequence: 1 --> R^* --> K^* --> Div(R) --> Cl(R) --> 1 Our main goal is to prove the following *deep theorem* (the deepest in this class?): Theorem: If R = O_K is ring of integers of number field, then Cl(R) is *finite*. Strategy of proof: * (easy) Use maps K \--> C and log to embed O_K into some Euclidean space R^n. * (hard) Use a geometric argument ("geometry of numbers") to show that each ideal class in Cl(R) contains an ideal I with Norm(I) <= (4/pi)^s*(n!/n^n)*sqrt(|d_K|) Here, Norm(I) = #(R/I) and d_K = "discriminant" of K. * (trivial) Observe that there are finitely many ideals of bounded norm. Remark: Above theorem not true in general! Even "Norm(I)" doesn't make sense in general, since R/I need not be finite, e.g., if R=Q[x] and I=(x), then R/I = Q is infinite. Also, whatever d_K is, it wouldn't make sense in general either. Example in which Cl(R) is not finite. R = C[x,y]/(y^2 - (x^3 + 1)), C = complex numbers The nonzero prime ideals of R are the ideals P_{a,b} = (x-a, y-b) where (a,b) is a complex point on the affine curve y^2 = x^3+1. A principal fractional ideal is got by a taking any rational function alpha(x,y) = f(x,y)/g(x,y), with f,g polys, and considering the fractional ideal it generates. We think about this fractional ideal in terms of its prime factorization (divisor!), so alpha*R = prod P_{a_i,b_i} / prod Q_{c_j, d_j} where the (a_i,b_i) are the zeros of f(x,y) and (c_j,d_j) the poles, with appropriate multiplicities. Claim: P_{a,b} is not in Prin(R) Proof: If alpha=f/g and alpha*R = P_{a,b}, then alpha is a rational function on y^2=x^3+1 which has no poles and one zero. It thus extends to a rational function of degree 1 on the projective closure C of y^2=x^3+1, which would extend to an isomorphism to P^1 (see ch 1 of Hartshorne), a contradiction since C has genus 1 and P^1 has genus 0. NOTE: Totally false if we instead use a genus 0 curve, e.g., C[X]. ---- To see that Cl(R) is infinite, take any nonzero point z = (a,b) and note that P_{a,b} defines a nonzero element of Cl(R). * The group law is compatible with the the group operation on Cl(R). (explain this) * For n=1,2,3,..., get P_{n*z} distinct primes that are all nonzero elements of Cl(R), so Cl(R) is infinity. In fact, Cl(R) is *uncountable*. --- So there is something very special with R = O_K that we haven't seen so far, which makes the classgroup small. DISCRIMINANTS: A key step in our argument is to introduce a notion of discriminant D of O_K, and note that there are only finitely many ideals with norm at most |D|. Definition: Let a1, ..., an be a Q-basis for K. Then Disc(a1,...,an) = det(Tr(ai*aj)) Let R = ring of integers O_K of K. Definition: Disc(R) = Disc(a1,...,an) where a1,...,an any basis for R as a ZZ-module. Often one writes Disc(K) := Disc(R). Remark: Disc(R) is nonzero and well defined. (Exercise) More generally, if S is any finite index subring of R, let Disc(S) be the discriminant of any ZZ-basis for S. Proposition: Disc(S) = Disc(R) * [R:S]^2 NORMS OF IDEALS: Definition (Lattice Index): L, M -- "lattices" in vector space V over Q so L, M are Z-module of rank dim(V) st Q*L=Q*M = V. [L:M] =defn= |det(A)| where A any linear automorphism st A(L)=M. If M contained in L, then [L:M]=#(L/M) is usual index In general, for any M,L,N: [L:N] = [L:M]*[M:N] by basic properties of linear transformations and determinants. Defn: I - fractional ideal of R Norm(I) = [R : I] which is a nonzero rational number. Prop: B = positive integer Then set of integral ideals I in R with norm(I) <= B is finite. Proof: An integral ideal I is a subgroup of R of index equal to the norm of I. If G is any finitely generated abelian group, then there are only finitely many subgroups of G of index at most B, since the subgroups of index dividing an integer n are all subgroups of G that contain nG, and the group G/nG is finite.