When $ p$ and $ q$ are Close

Suppose that $ p$ and $ q$ are ``close'' to each other. Then it is easy to factor $ n$ using a factorization method of Fermat called the Fermat factorization method.

Suppose $ n=pq$ with $ p>q$ , say. Then

$\displaystyle n = \left(\frac{p+q}{2}\right)^2 -

Since $ p$ and $ q$ are ``close'',

$\displaystyle s = \frac{p-q}{2}

is small,

$\displaystyle t = \frac{p+q}{2}

is only slightly larger than $ \sqrt{n}$ , and $ t^2-n=s^2$ is a perfect square. So we just try

$\displaystyle t = \lceil\sqrt{n}\rceil, \quad t=\lceil\sqrt{n}\rceil+1,
\quad t=\lceil\sqrt{n}\rceil+2, \ldots

until $ t^2-n$ is a perfect square $ s^2$ . (Here $ \lceil x\rceil$ denotes the least integer $ n\geq x$ .) Then

$\displaystyle p = t+s,\qquad q=t-s.

Example 3.3   Suppose $ n=23360947609$ . Then

$\displaystyle \sqrt{n} = 152842.88\ldots.$

If $ t=152843$ , then $ \sqrt{t^2-n} = 187.18\ldots$ .

If $ t=152844$ , then $ \sqrt{t^2-n} = 583.71\ldots$ .

If $ t=152845$ , then $ \sqrt{t^2-n} = 804\in\mathbb{Z}$ .

Thus $ s=804$ . We find that $ p=t+s=153649$ and $ q=t-s=152041$ .

SAGE Example 3.3   We implement the above algorithm for factoring an RSA modulus $ n=pq$ , when one of $ p$ and $ q$ is close to $ \sqrt{n}$ .
sage: def crack_when_pq_close(n):
...    t = Integer(ceil(sqrt(n)))
...    while True:
...       k = t^2 - n
...       if k > 0:
...          s = Integer(int(round(sqrt(t^2 - n))))
...          if s^2 + n == t^2:
...             return t+s, t-s
...       t += 1
sage: crack_when_pq_close(23360947609)
(153649, 152041)

For example, you might think that choosing a random prime, and the next prime after would be a good idea, but instead it creates an easy-to-crack crpytosystem.

sage: p = next_prime(2^128); p
sage: q = next_prime(p)
sage: crack_when_pq_close(p*q)

William 2007-06-01