Eigenforms on the Supersingular Basis
Let p be a prime number. Let D(p) be the Hecke module spanned
by supersingular j-invariants in characteristic p. The subspace
of elements of degree 0 is isomorphic
to the space of cusp forms of weight 2 for
This table lists, for each normalized cuspidal eigenform f
an eigenvector in the module D(p) with the same system of
Hecke eigenvalues.
The ordering of eigenforms extends that used by
Cremona as follows:
- by dimension with smallest first,
- by sign of Atkin-Lehner with "+" being first,
- by absolute value of a2, a3, etc. with positive being first.
(I have not reordered in order to agree with historical exceptions
in the beginning of Cremona's tables.)
Modular Forms Database