Heegner Points Package
Developed by Peter Green.
1. Downloading and installation
To install the Heegner Tools you should have a Linux machine with
PARI/GP (v.2.1.1 or higher) already installed.
To download and install the Heegner point package, follow these steps.
Download the file heegnertools.tgz.
2. Save this file
in a seperate directory on your machine
and, from within this directory type
tar xzvf heegnertools.tgz
at the Unix prompt. This creates a new directory called heegnertools
and completes the installation.
2. Using the Heegner Points package
1. Go into the directory heegnertools created in the installation
process, and type
at the Unix prompt. GP/PARI should start as usual.
The Heegner Tools are
organized into components. If you type
from the GP prompt, you will receive the message:
The following components have been loaded: cremona, heegner, hpxh,
modsymb, tate. For more information about the component *, type
?*. For a list of loadable components type clist().
3. Summary of functions in the Heegner package
The different components of the Heegner package are comprised of the following
1. The cremona component
ellcremona("NIk") returns the coefficient vector for the elliptic
curve of conductor N, isogeny class I and isomorphism class k as
listed in Cremona's tables; for instance ellcremona("37B2") returns
[0,1,1,-1873,-31833]; the defaults are I = A and k = 1, and so to get
the curve 37A1, it suffices to type ellcremona("37").
ellini(E,{p=0},{prec=0}) works like ellinit, but allows you to easily
specify the prime at which to calculate the relevant data (default
real), and the precision of that calculation (default is 0, in which
case the current realprecision is used for real calculations);
moreover, instead of a five-component vector for, the input E may be
given in the form "NIk" as for ellcremona; for instance ellini("37")
returns the data for the curve 37A1 over C to realprecision digits and
ellini("11A2",11,25) returns the data for curve 11A2 over Q_11 to
precision O(11^25).
2. The heegner component
elltautopoint(E,t) takes as input an elliptic curve E (the output of
the function ellinit or ellini) and a point t in the complex upper half-plane H, and
returns the corresponding point point P=[x,y] in E(C).
elltautoz(E,t) takes as input an elliptic curve E (the output of the
function ellinit or ellini) and a point t in the upper half-plane H, and returns
the corresponding point z in C/L, where L is the Neron lattice of E.
qfbclassgroup(delta) takes as input a discriminant delta (positive or
negative) and returns a vector of length h (= class number) consisting
of SL(2,Z)-representatives of the primitive binary quadratic forms of
discriminant delta.
qfblift(F,N,s) takes as input a positive definite primitive integral
binary quadratic form F, a positive integer N, and s a square root of
discrim(F) mod N; returns an SL(2,Z)-equivalent quadratic form
[A',B',C'] with A' = 0 (mod N) B' = s (mod N) and A' minimal.
ellHeegnerPoints(E,D,{s=0}) takes as input an elliptic curve E of
conductor N, a discriminant D prime to N, and optionally an
orientation s (i.e. a square root of D mod N); returns a vector
consisting of h(D) Heegner points on the elliptic curve corresponding
to the input data.
3. The hpxh component
hpxhint(tau1,tau2,z1,z2,table,prec) evaluates the double
integral on Hp x H defined in
H. Darmon, Integration on Hp x H and
arithmetic applications
on the region [tau1,tau2] x [z1,z2] to a precision of
prec significant p-adic digits using the Manin symbols in table.
At present, this function is only implemented for elliptic
curves E of prime conductor p.
Details of the implementation are given in
H. Darmon, P. Green, "Elliptic
curves and class fields of real quadratic fields: algorithms and evidence".
ellStarkHeegner(rawmininid,functional,F,Oprec) returns the
Stark-Heegner period corresponding to the raw Manin table database
entry rawminid (see the help for the modsymb package), the vector
functional which is an element of the Z-dual of the complex period
lattice written with respect to the real-imaginary period basis, the
binary quadratic form F, and the precision Oprec written in the form
O(p^k); for example, the call
ellStarkHeegner("37A",[1,0],Qfb(1,6,-6),O(37^4)) yields the real
period coefficient of the Stark-Heegner period for the isogeny class
37A (Cremona) and the point tau=-3+sqrt(15) generating the order of
discriminat 60, calculated to a precision of 37^(-4).
4. The modsymb component
ellmaninraw(E) returns a table of raw Manin symbols corresponding to
the elliptic curve E.
ellcuspint(table,a,b) computes the integral between cusps a and b of
the modular function with Manin symbols table table (output of
ellmanindbadd(cremonaentry) stores in the Manin symbol database a
table of raw Manin symbols corresponding to the isogeny class
cremonaentry which should be expressed in the format explained in the
help for the cremona component; for example ellmanindbadd("37A")
stores in the database a table of raw Manin symbols for Cremona's
isogeny class 37A.
ellmanindbget(cremonaentry) retrieves from the Manin symbol database a
table of raw Manin symbols corresponding to the isogeny class
cremonaentry which should be expressed in the format explained in the
help for the cremona component; for example ellmanindbget("37A")
retrieves from the database the table of raw Manin symbols for
Cremona's isogeny class 37A.
5. The tate component
ellchangeofvars(E1,E2) finds the change of variables vector [u,r,s,t]
between elliptic curves E1 and E2. When E1 and E2 are both p-adic, the
vector entries may be in Cp.
elltate(E,c) computes the tate uniformization of the elliptic curve E
at the the point c in Cp.
4. Sample Pari dialogues
1. Calculating classical Heegner points
/* let E be the curve y^2 + y = x^3 - x of conductor 37 */
> E = ellini("37A1")
%1 = [0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, -2, 1, -1, 48, -216, 37, 110592/37,
[0.8375654352833230354448108990, 0.2695944364054445582629379513,
-1.107159871688767593707748850]~, 2.993458646231959629832009979,
2.451389381986790060854224831*I, -0.4713192779568114758825938970,
-1.435456518668684318723208856*I, 7.338132740789576739070721003]
/* Compute the Heegner points of discriminant -28 of class number 1. */
> ellHeegnerPoints(E,-28)
%2 = [[1.999999999999999999999999999 - 5.04870979 E-29*I,
1.999999999999999999999999999 - 2.01948391 E-28*I]]
/* Compute Heegner points attached to the (non-fundamental discriminant
-28*9, of class number 4 */
> hp= ellHeegnerPoints(e,-28);
> length(hp)
%3 = 4
/* Compute characteristic polynomial of x-coordinates */
> prod(j=1,4, (t-hp[j][1]))
%4 = t^4 + (0.9999999999999999999999999984 + 1.62820890 E-27*I)*t^3
+ (102.0000000000000000000000000 + 1.17130067 E-26*I)*t^2
+ (-188.0000000000000000000000000 - 2.26182198 E-26*I)*t +
(84.99999999999999999999999997 + 9.69352279 E-27*I)
> h=round(%)
%7 = t^4 + t^3 + 102*t^2 - 188*t + 85
> polgalois(t^4 + t^3 + 102*t^2 - 188*t + 85)
%9 = [8, -1, 1]
2. Calculating Stark-Heegner points
/* real period coefficient of the Stark-Heegner period for the
isogeny class 37A and the point tau=-3+sqrt(15) generating the order
of discriminat 60, calculated to a precision of 37^(-4) */
> ellStarkHeegner("37A",[1,0],Qfb(1,6,-6),O(37^4))
[0, 1, 6/7]
Computing 2 integrals...
Computing integral 1...
musum : 0
Computing integral 2...
musum : 0
Modular symbol computation complete!
%1 = [24 + 13*37 + 4*37^3 + 19*37^4 + 2*37^5 + 36*37^6 + 31*37^7 + 8*37^8 +
O(37^9), 10 + 11*37 + 5*37^2 + 12*37^3 + 9*37^4 + 20*37^5 +
26*37^6 + 31*37^7 + 7*37^8 + O(37^9), 15]
/* compute the image under the Tate uniformisation of the
Stark-Heegner period to obtain a point on X0(37)+(C_37) */
> elltate(ellini("37A1",37,6),%)
%2 = [[24 + 14*37 + 33*37^2 + 36*37^3 + 13*37^4 + 5*37^5 + O(37^6), 17*37^4
+ 37^5 + O(37^6), 15], [26 + 7*37 + 7*37^2 + 9*37^4 + 26*37^5 +
O(37^6), 15*37^4 + 35*37^5 + O(37^6), 15]]
/* Observe this point agrees with the point on the curve
[2 + sqrt(3), -4 - sqrt(3)] to a precision of 37^-4 */