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The Future

Based on computations, Amod and I conjectured and Ribet proved the following theorem.

Theorem 5.1 (Ribet, 2001)   Let $ E$ be an elliptic curve of conductor $ N$. If $ p^2\nmid N$ then $ \ord_p(m_E) = \ord_p(c_E)$.

New Version of ``Question 4.4. For all $ N_E\leq 539$, we have

$\displaystyle 2\cdot \ord_p(c_E/m_E) \leq \ord_p(N_E).$

In particular, for $ p\geq 5$, do we have

$\displaystyle \ord_p(c_E/m_E) \leq 1?$

Is this true in general?

William A Stein 2002-09-29