Recall (Corollary 5.2.5) that we proved that the
ring of integers
of a number field is Noetherian. As we saw
before using norms, the ring
is finitely generated as a module
, so it is certainly finitely generated as a ring over
By the Hilbert Basis Theorem,
is Noetherian.
is an integral domain, the of
the field of all elements
, where
. The field of
fractions of
is the smallest field that contains
. For
example, the field of fractions of
and of
Definition 6.1.1 (Integrally Closed)
An integral domain

if whenever

is in the field of fractions of


satisfies a monic polynomial
![$ f\in R[x]$](img339.png)
, then

Proposition 6.1.2
is any number field, then
is integrally closed. Also,
the ring
of all algebraic integers is integrally closed.
We first prove that

is integrally closed. Suppose

is integral over

, so there is a monic polynomial



. The

all lie in the ring of integers

of the
number field

, and

is finitely
generated as a

-module, so
![$ \mathbf{Z}[a_0,\ldots, a_{n-1}]$](img346.png)
is finitely
generated as a

-module. Since

, we can write

as a
![$ \mathbf{Z}[a_0,\ldots, a_{n-1}]$](img346.png)
-linear combination of


, so
the ring
![$ \mathbf{Z}[a_0,\ldots, a_{n-1},c]$](img350.png)
is also finitely generated as a

-module. Thus
![$ \mathbf{Z}[c]$](img351.png)
is finitely generated as

because it is a submodule of a finitely generated

-module, which
implies that

is integral over

is integral over
. Then since
integrally closed,
is an element of
, so
, as required.
Definition 6.1.3 (Dedekind Domain)
An integral domain

is a
if it is Noetherian,
integrally closed in its field of fractions, and every nonzero prime
ideal of

is maximal.
The ring
is Noetherian, integrally closed in its field
of fractions, and the two prime ideals are maximal. However, it is
not a Dedekind domain because it is not an integral domain. The ring
is not a Dedekind domain because it is not integrally
closed in its field of fractions, as
is integrally
and lies in
, but not in
. The
is a Dedekind domain, as is any ring of integers
of a
number field, as we will see below. Also, any field
is a Dedekind
domain, since it is a domain, it is trivially integrally closed in
itself, and there are no nonzero prime ideals so that condition that
they be maximal is empty.
Proposition 6.1.4
The ring of integers
of a number field is a Dedekind domain.
By Proposition
6.1.2, the ring

integrally closed, and by Proposition
5.2.5 it is
Noetherian. Suppose that

is a nonzero prime ideal of


be a nonzero element, and let
![$ f(x)\in\mathbf{Z}[x]$](img359.png)
be the
minimal polynomial of

. Then

. Since

is irreducible,

is a nonzero element of

that lies

. Every element of the finitely generated abelian group

is killed by

, so

is a finite set.

is prime,

is an integral domain. Every finite
integral domain is a field, so

is maximal, which
completes the proof.
are ideals in a ring
, the product
is the ideal
generated by all products of elements in
with elements in
Note that the set of all products
, with
need not be an ideal, so it is important to take the ideal generated
by that set. (See the homework problems for examples.)
Definition 6.1.5 (Fractional Ideal)
is an

-submodule of

is finitely generated as an

To avoid confusion, we will sometimes call a genuine ideal
an . Also, since fractional ideals are
finitely generated, we can clear denominators of a generating set to
see that every fractional ideal is of the form
for some
and ideal
For example, the collection
of rational numbers with
is a fractional ideal of
Theorem 6.1.6
The set of nonzero fractional ideals of a Dedekind domain
is an
abelian group under ideal multiplication.
Before proving Theorem 6.1.6 we prove a lemma. For the
rest of this section
is the ring of integers of a number
Definition 6.1.7 (Divides for Ideals)
Suppose that

are ideals of



To see that this notion of divides is sensible, suppose
, so
. Then
for some integer
, and
means that
, i.e., that there exists
an integer
such that
, which exactly means that
, as expected.
Lemma 6.1.8
is an ideal of
. Then there exist prime ideals
such that
In other words,
divides a product of prime ideals. (By convention
the empty product is the unit ideal. Also, if
, then we take
, which is a prime ideal.)
The key idea is to use that

is Noetherian to deduce that the

of ideals that do not satisfy the lemma is empty. If

nonempty, then because

is Noetherian, there is an ideal

that is maximal as an element of

. If

were prime, then

would trivially contain a product of primes, so

is not prime. By
definition of prime ideal, there exists

such that



. Let


. Then neither


is in

, since

maximal, so both


contain a product of prime ideals.
Thus so does

, since
which is a contradiction. Thus

is empty, which completes the proof.
We are now ready to prove the theorem.
[Proof of Theorem
The product of two fractional ideals is again finitely generated, so
it is a fractional ideal, and

for any nonzero ideal

so to prove that the set of fractional ideals under multiplication is
a group it suffices to show the existence of inverses. We will first
prove that if

is a prime ideal, then

has an inverse, then we
will prove that nonzero integral ideals have inverses, and finally
observe that every fractional ideal has an inverse.
is a nonzero prime ideal of
. We will show that
is a fractional ideal of

such that

, so that

is an inverse of

For the rest of the proof, fix a nonzero element
. Since
is an
is an
ideal, hence
a fractional ideal. Since
we have
, hence either
. If
, we are done since then
is an inverse of
. Thus
suppose that
. Our strategy is to show that there is some
not in
; such a
would leave
invariant (i.e.,
), so since
is an
-module it will follow
, a contradiction.
By Lemma 6.1.8, we can choose a product
minimal, such that
If no

is contained in

, then we can choose for each



; but then

which contradicts that

is a prime ideal. Thus some

, say

, is contained in

, which implies that

every nonzero prime ideal is maximal. Because

is minimal,

is not a subset of

, so there exists

that does not lie in

. Then

so by definition of

we have

. However,

, since if it were then

would be in

. We have thus
found our element

that does not lie in

. To finish the
proof that

has an inverse, we observe that

preserves the


, and is hence in

, a contradiction. More
precisely, if

is a basis for

as a

then the action of


is given by a matrix with entries in

, so the minimal polynomial of

has coefficients in

. This
implies that

is integral over

, so

, since

is integrally closed by Proposition
(Note how this argument depends strongly on the fact that

integrally closed!)
So far we have proved that if
is a prime ideal of
, then
is the inverse of
the monoid of nonzero fractional ideals of
. As mentioned after
Definition 6.1.5 [on Tuesday], every nonzero fractional
ideal is of the form
an integral ideal, so
has inverse
, it suffices to show that every
integral ideal
has an inverse. If not, then there is a nonzero
integral ideal
that is maximal among all nonzero integral ideals
that do not have an inverse. Every ideal is contained in a maximal
ideal, so there is a nonzero prime ideal
such that
Multiplying both sides of this inclusion by
and using that
, we see that
, then arguing as in the proof that
is the
inverse of
, we see that each element of
preserves the
finitely generated
and is hence integral. But then
, which implies that
, a contradiction. Thus
. Because
maximal among ideals that do not have an inverse, the ideal
does have an inverse, call it
. Then
is the inverse of
, since
We can finally deduce the crucial Theorem 6.1.10, which
will allow us to show that any nonzero ideal of a Dedekind domain can
be expressed uniquely as a product of primes (up to order). Thus
unique factorization holds for ideals in a Dedekind domain, and it is
this unique factorization that initially motivated the introduction of
rings of integers of number fields over a century ago.
We have

for some

and integral ideal

Applying Theorem
6.1.10 to


, and

an expression as claimed. For uniqueness, if one has two such product
expressions, multiply through by the denominators and use the
uniqueness part of Theorem
Example 6.1.11
The ring of integers of

![$ \O _K=\mathbf{Z}[\sqrt{-6}]$](img451.png)

, we have

, with

and neither a unit, then

, so without loss


. If

, then

since the equation

has no solution with

there is no element in

with norm

, so

irreducible. Also,

is not a unit times

or times

since again the norms would not match up. Thus

can not be written
uniquely as a product of irreducibles in

6.1.9, however, implies that the principal

can, however, be
written uniquely as a product of prime ideals. Using
we find such a decomposition:
> R<x> := PolynomialRing(RationalField());
> K := NumberField(x^2+6);
> OK := MaximalOrder(K);
> [K!b : b in Basis(OK)];
K.1 // this is sqrt(-6)
> Factorization(6*OK);
<Prime Ideal of OK
Two element generators:
[2, 0]
[2, 1], 2>,
<Prime Ideal of OK
Two element generators:
[3, 0]
[3, 1], 2>
The output means that
where each of the ideals


is prime. I will discuss algorithms for computing such a
decomposition in detail, probably next week. The first idea is to

, and hence reduce to the case of writing the


prime, as a product of primes. Next one decomposes the
Artinian ring

as a product of local Artinian rings.
William Stein