Motivation for the Elliptic Curve Method

Fix a positive integer $ B$ . If $ N=pq$ with $ p$ and $ q$ prime and $ p-1$ and $ q-1$ are not $ B$ -power smooth, then the Pollard $ (p-1)$ -method is unlikely to work. For example, let $ B=20$ and suppose that $ N=59\cdot 101 = 5959$ . Note that neither  $ 59-1=2\cdot29$ nor $ 101-1=4\cdot 25$ is $ B$ -power smooth. With $ m=\lcm (1,2,3,\ldots,20)=232792560$ , we have

$\displaystyle 2^m - 1 \equiv 5944\pmod{N},$

and $ \gcd(2^m-1,N)=1$ , so we do not find a factor of $ N$ .

As remarked above, the problem is that $ p-1$ is not $ 20$ -power smooth for either $ p=59$ or $ p=101$ . However, notice that $ p-2=3\cdot 19$ is $ 20$ -power smooth. Lenstra's ECM replaces $ (\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z}{})^*$ , which has order $ p-1$ , by the group of points on an elliptic curve $ E$ over $ \mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z}{}$ . It is a theorem that

$\displaystyle \char93 E(\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z}{}) =p+1\pm s

for some nonnegative integer $ s<2\sqrt{p}$ (see e.g., [#!silverman:aec!#, §V.1] for a proof). (Also every value of $ s$ subject to this bound occurs, as one can see using ``complex multiplication theory''.) For example, if $ E$ is the elliptic curve

$\displaystyle y^2 = x^3 + x + 54

over $ \mathbb{Z}/59\mathbb{Z}{}$ then by enumerating points one sees that $ E(\mathbb{Z}/59\mathbb{Z}{})$ is cyclic of order $ 57$ . The set of numbers $ 59+1\pm
s$ for $ s\leq 15$ contains $ 14$ numbers that are $ B$ -power smooth for $ B=20$ .Thus working with an elliptic curve gives us more flexibility. For example, $ 60=59+1+0$ is $ 5$ -power smooth and $ 70 = 59+1+10$ is $ 7$ -power smooth.

William 2007-06-01